Help! I’m Being Threatened with Writ Twitterery.

April 23, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Okay, so admittedly, it’s not as cool as Bob getting his life threatened.  It’s not even close.  But, it’s still pretty darned cool.

Somebody threatened to sue me yesterday.

Let me start at the starting place:  I detest paid political consultants.  I think they are everything that’s wrong with politics.  They charge the same fair price as picture show popcorn to come into an area they know diddle squat about and run up bills that the candidate has to spend 24/7 beggin’ money to pay.   Political consultants have made whores of all our politicians.

It’s not enough now for a politician to join the Rotary and show up at church and high school football games.  No, now a politician rarely sees the light of day because he/she is wrangling money to pay the consultants so the consultant can take a cut and then pay their tv, radio, and print buddies.

You know how you get emails from a candidate’s campaign manager?  I’m about half an inch away from swearing an oath that I will never again vote for a candidate who can’t send his/her own damn emails.  They tell me that those emails are supposed to make you feel like a political “insider.”  They don’t have that effect on me.  They make me feel like I’m supporting some damn dude who can’t sign his own name to what he might believe.

But, let me get to the important part of this:  a consultant is threatening to sue me.

That is so cool.

Apparently, someone told Scott E. Berrett that I had written some unsweet things about his political ad making abilities.  By noon yesterday, he had left three messages on my husband’s cell phone, at least one of which was threatening to sue me and another of which threatened to get a website of his own and write bad things about my husband.

He cannot do that.  Writing bad things about my husband is MY job.

In one message to my husband, Scott E Berrett did ask for me to call him for a ‘face-to-face.”  Uh, let me think about that.  No.

I cannot explain why he called my husband.  Scott E Berrett has my home phone number.  He has called it before.  After seeing some of his other work, where he spread a myriad of manure around the political scene, I was not too cozy with him.  And, if you will glance up at the top of this professional political organization, there’s a little button that says, Tell Juanita.  We pondered having it say Tell Susan’s Husband but that just didn’t have the literary snap that Tell Juanita did.

Pestering my husband three times before noon is also MY job, Mr. Scott E Berrett, so if you’re looking for a fight, you just bought one.

So, sue me.  Go ahead.  That would be a dream come true for me.  I get to take on a political consultant, oh be still my heart.  If you could find a developer to jump in your lawsuit with you, I’d give you extra points.  Double points if he’s a Teabagger.  Although I have to admit, an Elvis Pressley driver’s license and a prissy attitude with the local police might be all you need to make my day.

As far as your idea to set up a blog to say bad things about my husband — well, the little sweetheart that I am has already done that for you.  Click right here and get to work, son.  Your own website.  Enjoy!

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