Republican’s are saying that if Hillary wins they will block her nominations to the SCOTUS. Thing is, if they win a majority in the Senate they can do exactly that. Right now there are six crazy close Senate races:
PA: Dem +2.6
NV: Dem +1.5
NH: Dem +1.4
IN: Dem +1.2
MO: Dem +0.8
NC: GOP +1.4
6 races that can make the difference between a progressive Supreme Court and a no Court at all. If that doesn’t make you as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, it should.
So here’s a challenge to all the customers of the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, while Juanita Jane is doing her bit to keep Democracy safe, do your bit to help take back the Senate and keep the White House, call 3 friends and convince them not just to vote for Hillary but to vote down ballot so she can get the help she needs. Then get them to call 3 of their friends to do the same. And if you live in PA, NV, NH, IN, MO, or NC make it FIVE, long tailed cats need all the help they can get!