Helluva Idea

August 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s the deal.  A whole mess of Republican politicians are saying that the women’s healthcare budget is overinflated.  Because, you know, they’re women so what important could possibly go wrong with them.

Then came this idea dangled on Twitter.


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Read carefully — Thank you for your $25 donation in honor of Jeb Bush.

It’s a thing.

If you have a few extra dollars this month, click here to make a donation to Planned Parenthood in honor of one of your favorite Republican politicians.  Get their address first because Planned Parenthood will send them a thank you note from you.

I’m making a donate in honor of my local Republican Party Chairman.  I am enjoying this way too much.

Thanks to Alfredo over at The Dairy Queen for the heads up.

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “Helluva Idea”

  1. Rosemary in Indiana says:

    I just donated to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Inc. solely because Bobby Jindal screwed them over.

  2. I’ll donate in the name of Scott Walker, who has apparently said– and this really ought not to be possible– that he opposes abortion for any reason, including rape, incest, and to save the woman’s life. Seriously. If a woman’s pregnancy is killing her, which can happen, Walker wants her family and doctors to just stand there and watch her die. The fetus will die too, of course, but I suppose that will be “an act of God”. A very twisted god, if you ask me.

    There are some countries where this is the law, but I sure as hell don’t want ours to be another of them.

  3. I love this idea and so South TX PP and Greater TX PP were enriched in honor of Ted Cruz. I hates his smarmy self, but by golly it is him and his cohorts that inspired me to give today, so appropriate it is in his “honor.” I even added “– Support Planned Parenthood” after his name on the address–on one of them.

  4. I couldn’t find a mailing address for Walker’s campaign, so I used the governor’s address and had the thank-you sent to “Scott no abortion even if she dies Walker.” At least somebody in his mailroom should see it. And pass it around.

  5. two crows says:

    Gave to north Florida in “honor” [ummmm, no] of Marco Rubio – my very unenlightened senator.

    Now I’m trying to figure out how to bookmark this specific article on JJ’s site so I can be reminded to send another donation each month in his name. I didn’t want to make it an automatic monthly donation unless I can be absolutely certain he receives a thank you note every month as well.

  6. Fenway Fran says:

    i think I will make mine in NH since they are no longer PP friendly, in Jeb’s name since he effed up FL and Kennebunkport is very close to the stateline.

  7. I donated “in honor” of Ted Cruz.

  8. Glidwrith says:

    I started donating on a monthly basis over a year ago when the Congressional ‘Thugs were trying to pass their legitimate rape garbage and referring to women as females – as if we were breeding cattle. Same legislation also put in an age requirement; if you were too old, no exception for incest. Bastards.

  9. Reminds me of what was done in the name of pRick Perry not all that long ago. Hell, you would think these unevolved specimens would eventually catch on and at least change their tune if not their minds! Oh . . . wait!

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I’ve been doing this several years now. My anti-choice Republican neighbors, and others who tick me off, have no idea who’s been doing it to them. Bonus-they get on all liberal mailing lists too!

    Don’t mess wit me. I’m old and cranky.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Thank you Alfredo and Miss Juanita Jean for this awesome idea!

    After his flip flop to the obedient side of his billionaire master on the topic of reproductive rights, was thinking Marco the Thirsty deserved my donation. He sure was a “winner” in the first debate. He managed not to swallow a fire hose or pee on his own feet. Then again, not too sure about the latter as the podium covered his feet.

    My next pick would have been Snot Wanker to be crowned ‘king’ in the war against women. But there are so many choices, seventeen to be exact, that I’m waiting for my wife to pick the 4 most ‘elite’ from the herd.

    When Jane picks the ‘final four,’ she will share their mailing addresses with everyone on our e-mail list. Consider it her version of a “GoFundMe” page for wankers and her gift to the GOP.

  12. If they have the option, I would suggest an “in memory” donation to PP. It seems so much more appropriate.

  13. @two crows: the answer is to bookmark the comments page for the article you want to share or return to. That way you go directly to the correct article and not to the home page (however delightful that day’s remarks might be).
