Hell’s Bills: The Lege is in Session
(Hey, see what I did there? Hell’s Bills. Get it? Like Hell’s Bells except Hell’s Bills. Oh screw it, it’s a damn Tuesday.)
Okay, campers, we are headed into what will prove to be one of the most interesting Texas legislature session in the history of modern insanity.
As some of you know, I am of minimal acquaintance with a retired state representative and goat rodeo troublemaker, Glen Maxey. Maxey is reading every bill that comes through The Lege and when a bill fancies his favor he will toss it my way. In exchange for this service, I have to buy him Mexican food every time I go to Austin. I will start a Feed Glen Maxey fund sometime in the near future.
So today’s offerings are bills filed about public schools.
Hell’s Bill Numero Uno: HB93 Relating to the repeal of the offenses of failure to attend school and parent contributing to nonattendance. Okay, here’s the deal. Compulsory school attendance? Way too much compulsory in it. Let’s let parents keep kids at home doing God-only-knows-what with them.
But, if you do want to go to school …
Hell’s Bill Dos: HB138 says that the Ten Commandments can be posted in the classroom.
The board of trustees of an independent school district may not prohibit the posting of a copy of the Ten Commandments in a prominent location in a district classroom.
Well, so much for that local control that Republicans just love, love, love.
And to enforce all this …
Hell’s Bill Thirdo: HB198 – They are arming school boards.
Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain persons attending a school board meeting
And those certain people? Well, that would be members of the school board. So, protecting yourself against the government just got a little bit harder because you cannot carry a gun into a school board meeting, even if you are licensed.
Its gonna be a hot time in the Old Lege in January. I am considering going to Austin for the swearing-in ceremony. If anybody would like to huddle up the night before, let me know and we’ll ponder on renting out the basement of Stubb’s barbeque.