Hell’s Bills: Let’s Smack Some Gays Days Edition

November 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican State Senator Donna Campbell is about a quart low on estrogen.  She spends her days looking for people to hate.

You know, those “different” people who don’t quite fit into her Tupperware lifestyle model.

There’s a Republican woman here in my county named Terese who is obsessed with gay people.  I mean, not like Grace in Will and Grace.  This woman is sure as tootin’ that gay people are going to hell and she doesn’t mind telling you that.  Every.  Damn.  Day.  We are all pretty certain that her son is gay and pretending not to be because he doesn’t want to go to hell or upset a mother who hates him.  It’s sad in that “shut the hell up, woman” kind of way.

Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 9.16.48 AMI think Donna Campbell is the same deal.  Now, cover your eyes if you you have a weak stomach because I am going to put a picture State Senator Donna Campbell gazing way too lovingly into Rick Santorum’s eyes.  Prepare yourself.  Okay, look right.

I know.  I know.  Even Santorum has to look away because it’s so gross.

So Donna Campbell has introduced a bill that says you can discriminate against someone if they violate your “sincerely held religious belief.”

Nobody seems to know what that means, especially when you add it to the whole language in the bill.

Campbell’s proposal would strengthen existing protections in Texas for the “right to act or refuse to act in a manner motivated by a sincerely held religious belief,” a legal maneuver that critics have described as a “license to discriminate.”

That whole “right to act” thing is kinda loosey goosey.  Obviously that does not include the right to act like a Christian.

I’m getting me a whole list of things that are my sincerely held religious beliefs.  This might be fun.

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