Hell’s Bills: Let’s Smack Some Gays Days Edition

November 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican State Senator Donna Campbell is about a quart low on estrogen.  She spends her days looking for people to hate.

You know, those “different” people who don’t quite fit into her Tupperware lifestyle model.

There’s a Republican woman here in my county named Terese who is obsessed with gay people.  I mean, not like Grace in Will and Grace.  This woman is sure as tootin’ that gay people are going to hell and she doesn’t mind telling you that.  Every.  Damn.  Day.  We are all pretty certain that her son is gay and pretending not to be because he doesn’t want to go to hell or upset a mother who hates him.  It’s sad in that “shut the hell up, woman” kind of way.

Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 9.16.48 AMI think Donna Campbell is the same deal.  Now, cover your eyes if you you have a weak stomach because I am going to put a picture State Senator Donna Campbell gazing way too lovingly into Rick Santorum’s eyes.  Prepare yourself.  Okay, look right.

I know.  I know.  Even Santorum has to look away because it’s so gross.

So Donna Campbell has introduced a bill that says you can discriminate against someone if they violate your “sincerely held religious belief.”

Nobody seems to know what that means, especially when you add it to the whole language in the bill.

Campbell’s proposal would strengthen existing protections in Texas for the “right to act or refuse to act in a manner motivated by a sincerely held religious belief,” a legal maneuver that critics have described as a “license to discriminate.”

That whole “right to act” thing is kinda loosey goosey.  Obviously that does not include the right to act like a Christian.

I’m getting me a whole list of things that are my sincerely held religious beliefs.  This might be fun.

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0 Comments to “Hell’s Bills: Let’s Smack Some Gays Days Edition”

  1. The GOP/Tea Party violates my sincerely held religious beliefs!

  2. You combine that with Stand Your Ground – and you can shoot gays for being gay. Or Muslims. Or Methodists.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “sincerely held religious belief” With no thanks to Hobby Lobby and the Five Unconstitutional Robed Tackling Dummies.

    Or, to follow Mrs. B’s lead, let’s upgrade our bucket lists of fun things to do to a new art of religious conviction. Helloooooooo Texas, on my way for a little duck hunting with Dick Cheney. That being my new friend Dick, of course.

  4. My sincerely held belief is right out of the buyBull, I have my right to carry and my belief is to shoot anyone I don’t like the look of, she fits the bill!!!
    See she is in Texas!!! Where they carry BIG guns!!! Is she really that stupidly crazy? Well obviously!

  5. I am speechless. And an almost Methodist. Or something. That is pure dee goofy.

  6. She could move to Idaho. They love that idea.

  7. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Donna Campbell. A truly evil state senator who was just re-elected by people who love evil. I don’t have a link, but maybe google will help. She was down and out nasty during Wendy Davis’ filibuster.

  8. I have a sincerely held religious belief that anyone who rejects or insults people just because of their sexual orientation deserves one upside the head. And I expect protection for that belief.

  9. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Bills like these should have an appropriation clause to appropriate the money necessary to defend it in court.

    We know it will be challenged in court and we know it will lose.

    Let’s ask the legislature to pay up front for their foolishness.

  10. I really like this bill. Since I worship at the Temple of Seriously Sane People, that will give me the right to discriminate against Donna Campbell.

  11. I have an article about the death penalty that was written by a well-known Catholic bishop. In it, he states that, although the Church has generally looked less favorably upon the death penalty of late, there are actually 136 crimes in the old testament for which the penalty is supposed to be death. Execution by the state (as opposed to good believers) is nowhere specified. Some of the deaths ARE specified as to be necessarily strangulation.

    Therefore, providing this religious exception to the laws could actually be used to justify murder.

  12. I have a sincerely held religious belief that people, including politicos, should do an honest day’s labor just about every day. I’d appreciate seeing that start happening in Austin a few minutes after these legislators sober up from their swearing-in drunk. And I’m in a mood to stand my ground on this one.

  13. Wouldn’t this legalize Sharia law, or allow any devout Muslim to ignore any attempt to outlaw Sharia law? For that matter, what if some ISIS members make it to Texas and start shooting folks they consider heretics – would their “right to act” be protected due to their religious beliefs?

    (Of course, she’d answer that there’s only one true religion – hers – and thus only members of her religion can have deeply-held religious beliefs. It even says so in her copy of the Constitution, next to the amendment requiring government to set religious tests for public office, and establish an official state religion. (She doesn’t use the dirty hippy copy of the Constitution pushed by government educators.)

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Does that mean I can discriminate against her? She violates my faith.

  15. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I have a seriously held religious belief that Rick Santorum needs to be whopped upside his pointy little head with a Louisville Slugger.

  16. This one is definitely on its way to SCOTUS! Oh, why not! They have just decided to fast track a lower court judgement on the Affordable Health Care Act!

  17. The Golden Rule covers my sincerely held religious belief, but in terms of the “stand your ground” issue – thinking about the whole thing makes me feel “nuttier than squirrel poop”.

    Ie., my 94 year old teabagger mom has received a monthly check from Dad’s Railroad Retirement account for over 30 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical payments. She wants to get rid of Obama Care because its ruining the country and thinks vouchers for medicare are fine. Should I shoot Mom? I’d rather not but she votes for the Golden Calf people.
    Do I loose my soul if I don’t stand up for my “sincerely held beliefs”?

    Ohmygosh, should I shoot myself for not letting that huge RV merge in front of me on 101 yesterday? Who should I shoot first?

    Do the “stand your ground” people suffer this much anguish in defending their sincerely held beliefs?

  18. Well I’m a true believer in Fesitvus (and so are other folks http://www.king5.com/story/news/local/2014/11/05/mukilteo—festivus—religion—day-off—holiday/18562591/)

    I am seriously considering challenging Louis Gohmert to a feat of strength!

  19. e platypus onion says:

    If I’m driving in Texas and see a wingnut bumper sticker I will be allowed to plow into said vehicle and kill ’em all because they violate my sincerely held religious belief that wingnuts deserve to die horrible deaths?

  20. Rick and Donna: I can’t think of two people who deserve each other more. Truly a marriage made in Hell.

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Time to ensure the Dan Savage definition of Santorum remains the headliner of search engines. With luck Donna will become a splash back favorite, too.

    Search: Dan Savage definition of Santorum to make this happen.

  22. According to wiki, she has four daughters, no mention of a son. Anybody have info?

  23. Sam in Schertz says:

    She’s an emergency room physician in New Braunfels. Her district is drawn to include TEA Party havens like Marble Falls. Last legislative session she testified abortion clinics needed to meet surgicenter standards which is a downright lie and in my mind constitutes malpractice. We can’t get rid of this witch soon enough.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Henry, you’re correct, Donna has four adopted daughters.

    It’s Therese with the son suspected to be gay.

    Per Miss Juanita Jean her ownself (para 3): “There’s a Republican woman here in my county named Terese who is obsessed with gay people. I mean, not like Grace in Will and Grace. This woman is sure as tootin’ that gay people are going to hell and she doesn’t mind telling you that. Every. Damn. Day. We are all pretty certain that her son is gay and pretending not to be because he doesn’t want to go to hell or upset a mother who hates him. It’s sad in that “shut the hell up, woman” kind of way.”

  25. Doesn’t Rick Santorum kind of look like Joel Osteen? Not a compliment in either case.

  26. Donna having four adopted daughters means she didn’t have to go through pregnancy or delivery and probably didn’t breast-feed them.

    And she’s against my religion. My sincerely held beliefs include that every citizen should get to vote and every woman should get to make her own decisions about her own body. So THAT means I should be able to set up an abortion clinic because it’s my sincerely held belief that the law against it is against my religion.

  27. Well so I don’t offend Mama with my real thoughts I will just say this photo made me throw up in my mouth a little

    Two of the more bigoted people in the world showing off. ugh

  28. e platypus onion says:

    She is prolly checking his nose hairs and plans to knit him a nose hair sweater vest for the holidays.

  29. @Sam in Schertz – About being an ER doctor: Her bio on the Senate website says that “She lives in New Braunfels and divides her work between free-standing emergency rooms in San Antonio, Houston, and Austin.”

    What’s a “free-standing emergency room”? A doc-in-the box”? It sure doesn’t sound like an ER within a hospital.

    Maybe her bio should say “Practice limited to Band-Aids and liniment.”
