Hello, Medicare Patients, Meet Your Money
His name is Dr. Akshay “A.K.” Desai and he runs Universal Health Care, Inc., and is the Finance Chairman of the Florida GOP.
Well, he used to be. He resigned as finance chair and it appears that he may spend some time in the pokey for mismanagement of Universal Health Care, which would constitute Medicare Fraud.
You see, Dr. Desai made a misdiagnosis. He thought Republicans were going to win and his little shenanigans would be swept under the carpet.
Now, when your business is bleeding money and you are cooking the books, it just doesn’t look right when you spend money on politicians instead of patients. Don’t ask me to explain that, just accept my word for it.
So, when you limit-out on Republican Presidential candidates, even Rick Perry, and throw all you’ve got at the RNC and you lose, you better have stashed some money back for lawyers.
And the next time you get sick, you should have to get taken care of at your compnay.
Universal has been battling customer defections and heightened regulatory oversight over concerns of poor quality and insufficient funding throughout the past year.
Regulators in Ohio and Georgia cited concerns over the company’s relatively low reserves in contrast to its rising losses. Last month, Universal stopped marketing Medicare services in all areas.
You know when Republicans says we should run government like a business? This is the kind of business they mean.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen and his subscription to the Financial Times.