Hell Freezes Over for the Kochs

June 07, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump

OK, so here’s how bad it is for the Koch brothers….they’re looking for Democrats to support.  That’s right folks, the Kochs hate Trump so badly and understand the damage he is doing to their agenda that they are rebranding Americans for Prosperity as non-partisan.  In previewing the shift at their annual conference earlier this year, Charles Koch said,

“This attitude of holding against others who have different beliefs is tearing our country apart.”

Translation – “We can no longer buy politicians who have sold their souls to Trumpland, so we’re retreating to the middle until we can get rid of Trump and have more successful purchases of politicians.”

When the Kochs retreat, you know that Trump’s takeover is complete.  The conservative wing will have to shed themselves of the cancer that has metastasized in the WH themselves.  Until the invertebrates in Congress manage to stand up, their entire party will be strangled by His Orangeness.  Until that happens, the Kochs will be “non-partisan”.

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0 Comments to “Hell Freezes Over for the Kochs”

  1. joel hanes says:

    It will be very interesting to learn which Democrats are stupid and venal enough to accept Koch contributions.

    How will we be able to learn this vital information ?

  2. Nimby The Liberal says:

    This is good news. Democrats are good at passing legislation on behalf of Republicans. If one wants Republican policies set in motion,let Democrats pass them. That is the only time Democrats show a willingness to govern. Obama proved this as ad nauseam. Most specifically with respect to the ACA which was actually Romney/HeritageFoundationCare.

    Have a Koch and A Smile. Embrace The Suck. Biden 2020!

    Btw,the Kochs retreating from Trump just makes Trump even MORE appealing. He will be reelected.

  3. megasoid says:

    Respectfully, the Kochs already own the democratic politicians who are the most important, the ones that control the party. They are simply covering their bets across the table as any table shark would. They were also among the oligarchs who received a huge transfer of wealth via hapless taxpayers. The trump appointees who manage EPA, BLM, IRS, Education, DOJ, prisons for profit have served Koch industries, directly or indirectly. The pollution authorization machine is at flank speed.

    The Kochs are simply fussing like old men do because they can’t get each and every little prize they wanted at the carnival.

    If Nancy disallows impeachment, trump will stay in the WH. How are you going to claim the high ground when you gave the prick a free pass to a second term?

    Pelosi’s finances pdf:

    Richard Neal, the only individual who can authorize release of trump’s returns has balked at doing this and now suggestions of bribery are being whispered on social media.


  4. @megasoid:
    You wrote: If Nancy disallows impeachment, trump will stay in the WH.

    You think the current Senate will really and truly vote to convict the orange sack of stuff? (Got a bridge to sell you in that case.)

    Why do you think she’s dragging on it– so he does not become a martyr who can campaign on “I was exonerated, I was innocent.”

  5. megasoid says:

    Do you not think all of the other members of the house have heard the 2020 martyr meme. They hear it first hand. They have of course suggested: impeachment inquiry leading up to 2020 (timing is everything)

    These are cinder blocks being tossed on the road, one at a time. “Watch Out”

    Richard Neal being the latest one. I wonder if HE thinks the president will claim martyrdom and refused to accept NY state tax returns.

    By the way, he has been wailing “martyrdom” on a daily basis in every tweet since he sobbed about the turnout at his inauguration.

  6. Impeaching without convicting ensures a second term.

  7. megasoid says:

    important terms: An impeachment INQUIRY

    Nadler pressed for an impeachment inquiry — but it’s not just Pelosi who is pushing back on his move

    Nadler has become the most prominent voice calling on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to begin that inquiry.
    The necessity of an inquiry may have become most obvious during committee debateon holding Attorney General William Barr in contempt. One after another, Republicans claimed that the subpoena Nadler had issued to Barr was unlikely to survive in court … because it lacked the authority of being issued under an impeachment proceeding. Thought it’s not at all clear that this is true, what is clear is that judges during the time of Watergate gave congressional subpoenas expanded deference under the assumption that executive privilege cannot be used to aid a cover-up.


  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Three votes for treachery, maybe. Richard Burr, Lindsey Graham and Old Scratch McConnell for the moment are wed to Orange Foolius. Should the House send articles of impeachment to the Senate, the fun begins. There is no way this will look good for Republicons in the Senate seen weighing their ‘loyalties’ between Donnie and the defecting Koch brothers. Kompromat on the top 3 Cons probably keeps them tied to Donnie. But the rest? Let the cameras roll so the public can see who weighs money heavier than reputation.

    For clues watch the sentencing of Michael Flynn. Judge Sullivan nearly called him a traitor, albeit he later apologized. But Flynn committed serious crimes and for there to have been a recommendation of no prison time should indicate a song worthy of nailing a few pelts to the prison wall. Odds are not good that Individual1 escapes, if Flynn goes free.

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    NJGal #6 – impeaching with or without trial and conviction will send the Cult to the streets with Tiki torches and guns. Not sure about the bikers and military.

  10. Jane & PKM @ 8

    Yes, all of this.

    Linda Phipps @ 9

    They’ll show up on the Mall for Rump’s speech at the Lincohn Monument on the 4th. Protesters against Rump, too.
    Let the video cameras roll..

  11. Stony Pillow says:

    They’re looking at a probable recession in the next 9 – 12 months, and the effect on the 2020 elections.

    Sucks to be a Koch.

  12. Stony Pillow says:

    The John Birch Society may be entering a period of “retrenchment”.

  13. “He’ll Freezes Over For The Kochs”

    Which answers the questions, what will it take for conservatives to acknowledge climate warming, and what are they going to do about? I’d rather they addressed the contribution of CO2 to warming, but a reduction of the temperature in Hell may be a start.

  14. RepubAnon says:

    The Kochs will probably create a a spin-off organization: the Blue Dog Express.”

  15. Who in their right mind would trust a “Democrat” that the Kochs support?

  16. Giggling like mad! Sorry! But this is such amazing karma!

  17. The worry about impeachment without conviction assumes the myriad investigations into Mango Mussolini’s multiple high crimes and misdemeanors will be complete by election time.

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    montag@17, trying IQ4.5 will be like trying a serial killer with DNA evidence, fingerprints at 138 crime scenes and video tape of the crimes in progress. The other 100 don’t add much after reaching 10 life sentences. Impeach Donnie for his “top 50,” then let New York Attorney General Leticia James bat clean up with a multiple count indictment.

  19. @Mike 15
    “Who in their right mind would trust a “Democrat” that the Kochs support?”

    Anybody who would vote for lipinski or cuellar.

  20. @k 19
    That would certainly leave out anyone in their right mind.

  21. megasoid@3:
    I checked out the link you posted about Pelosi’s political contributions but I’m not sure how it shows anything suggesting coming from fossil fuel industries, much less the Kochs. What am I missing?

  22. @Mike #19
    I agree
    Thank You
