Heckuva Job, Phillie.

June 10, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Former Texas Senator Phil Gramm, who is uglier than a mud fence and that’s his best point, retired from the Senate after starting the fire that led to the economic meltdown.  He now runs UBS, a bank whose sole purpose is to allow rich Americans to hide money from the IRS.

Paul Krugman called him the high priest of de-regulation.  CNN ranked Gramm number seven in its list of the 10 individuals most responsible for the current economic crisis.  He shoved The Enron Loophole through congress right before he retired, which is what allowed the scandal to happen.  If you work for a living, Phil Gramm wakes up every morning dreaming of ways to hurt you.

If you addressed a letter to the devil, the mailman would put it in Phil Gramm’s box.  That’s the truth.

If the big dogs are ganging up on the little dogs, you can bet your last dollar that Phil Gramm is behind it.

However, let it now be said that Phil Gramm is just pure evil.  He’ll even bite the hand that feeds him.

Lookie right here.  It’s a PDF from the SEC saying UBS ain’t the PTA because they are having to pay a $32 million fine.

So, dude, if you’ve got something that needs running, I wouldn’t be hiring Phil Gramm.

Phil was last seen at his ranch in Helotes, Texas, counting his money and screwing Dickie Flatt.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads-up.

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