(Heavy Sigh)

October 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case any of you are wondering why I’m working my patootie off during early voting, I have a picture I want to share with you.

This is Pete Olson, my Congressman, who has only passed three pieces of legislation since he took office in 2009, and two of those were to name post offices.  I’m not kidding.

He’s goofy, y’all, and it ain’t getting better.

In June of 2017, Olson opined on a talk radio show …

Olson speculated on local radio that in that conversation, Clinton admitted he was a party to the 1993 death of White House aide Vincent Foster and essentially threatened some similar form of retribution against Lynch if she did not drop an investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server.

And then last month, speaking at a dinner for people from India, he announced that Pakistanis flew airplanes into the World Trade Center.  There was a recording, which helped refresh Olson’s memory of the speech, and he admitted that he “misspoke.”

He is goofy and if all that doesn’t convince you, look at this.  It’s his picture from the Trump rally.  And yes, his eyes look like that all the time, and yes, he really wore that hat.



Go Sri Preston Kulkarni.  He even looks like a congressman except, you know, better.


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0 Comments to “(Heavy Sigh)”

  1. Urk, that Pete Olson looks like Burgess Meredith from one of his wacky Twilight Zone or Batman episodes. Far out ‘vacant cranium’ stare.
    (Meredith was short/vertically challenged too, but a great actor and smart dude)


  2. Not a lot of time left, but I just sent a donation to Kulkarni via ActBlue and hope it might help a little in the home stretch.

  3. When will Men Paxton be tried for his crimes? Its been years since he was indicted.

  4. Ken. Darn autocorrect.

  5. His eyes look like that ’cause he’s had ’em tucked & rolled, if you know what I mean.

    Dunno why he didn’t have some Bondo® slapped in that dent in his chin while he was at the body shop.

  6. Dang! Does Olson room with Cruz. They’re made for each other.

  7. That’s a question not a statement.

  8. I’d bet that if we could see video from about 5 seconds before that pic was shot, we’d see that the reason for the angle of Petey’s awesome cap is that Dan Patrick patted him on the head. That explains the expressions on all 3 faces.

  9. Gee! Doesn’t this guy have any who will kindly sit him down and explain that it is time he retired? That is one empty stare! Like dementia plus something else. Pity!

  10. I used to work at Johnson Space Center, which is in Pete’s district. He played basketball and went to Clear Lake High School, which is right down the road from Johnson Space Center.

    Soon after his election, he gave a speech where I worked, and after talking about his old basketball coach (which I figure he thought gave him some local cred), he took questions.

    The very first question was about the U.S. experiments on the International Space Station. The questioner said the U.S. node on the station had lots of experiment racks, but the U.S. wasn’t using them. He wanted to know why. Instead, we loaned the space to other countries.

    Pete’s long-winded answer was that he was very concerned about buying rides to the I.S.S. from the Russians. I kid you not.

    Pete went to Rice University on a basketball scholarship, which kind of implies that, once upon a time, he was at least fairly smart. I wonder where he put it.

  11. I like the position of the hand near Pete Olson’s neck, looking somewhat akimbo, like disembodied Thing from the Addams Family. Almost there, wait until the cameras go away, OK, now squeeze. Tighter, a little tighter…

  12. “Make oil and gas great again”? Would he like to explain how they don’t have a stranglehold on our national energy and environmental policy now? Or is it one of these fake-Christian things, whereby “if I can’t oppress the befunk out of you, I am therefore being oppressed”?
