Heavy Sigh

March 24, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas, ya’ll.


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0 Comments to “Heavy Sigh”

  1. Republican Texas: Where Reality Goes to Die.

  2. “Hell yeah it’s true – saw it on the back of a pickemup truck!”

  3. Olden Grey says:

    I think that’s Sid Miller’s truck…..

  4. He did a pretty good job restoring it after it was bombed out by Jade Helm.

  5. That truck is missing its Nutz… I thought they were required on all trucks over 1/2 ton in Texas. (or is that just Florida)

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The failure of snacilbupeR math and memory is complete. Hey guys we really get it that 4 people died in Benghazi on Obama and Hillary’s watch. We won’t even mention the effect of ‘Con sequester on embassy security. But, you must own the 675 deaths on Reagan’s watch. OK? When we finally total the deaths due to Dubya/Darth, we’ll get back to you. We’d give you a final number today, but between cancer deaths world wide due to depleted uranium and veteran suicides that number grows daily. You can thank the NRA for their complicity in veterans’ deaths.

  7. brad moore says:

    These asinine comments will be probably pretty tame as we get closer to the general election.

    In Costco yesterday, I saw a guy (slackjaw, beer gut, ball cap sitting back on head) with a “TRUMP THAT BITCH” shirt.

    Can only guess he meant former Senator and Secretary of State Clinton. Or maybe it meant Melania…dunno?

  8. @Jeff Del Papa

    That looks to my eye like a Ford F150 which I think is nominally a half-ton. But you are right it should have the hog scrotum hangin’ down from the trailer hitch and a Tech TT thereabouts as well.

  9. I can’t wait to get out of this wretched state. Horrible place to live.

    I wonder if Canada would consider me a political refugee if I am gay, liberal and come from Texas? Just wonderin’.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    I got your back is crooked.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr said hog scrotum. We need e platypus onion for that discussion. Or, at least an explanation as to where he is hiding his junior Senator and main squeeze, all around cuddle bunny, Ivana Kuturnutzov. She promised squeals, but seems to be MIA from Congress. If she starts with _itch McConnell, Tom Traitor Cotton and Loathsome Ted Crooze, all will be forgiven for the late start.

  12. This month she has sniffed out ISIS in ALL 50 STATES and made popcorn on her personal machine for military folks in an office down the hall. In passing she supported the Turtle on ignoring the Constitution and indicated she will vote for Trump if he is the nominee.

    That’s all folks


    2) IF what you say is true, then why is Hannity et al still breathing???

  14. I would be curious to know if the driver of that pickup has a job. It’s possible I suppose, but pulling into a parking lot where you’re employed, with what some in management would consider the first (second, third…) sign of an unhinged, unstable worker on the loose in the facility is a future lawsuit that includes “they should have seen it coming your honor.” With photographic evidence.
    At the very least, “keep an eye on him.”

    Or, if he’s not employed, is he just another government check recipient with too much time on his hands, when he’s not complaining about other people cashing government checks?

  15. WA Skeptic says:

    Why doesn’t he get all het up about the Rethugs defunding embassy security for years?

    What is someone 4,000 miles away supposed to do about a firefight in Libya?

    Why isn’t he getting mad about all the money being stolen in his own state by all the corrupt R’s he voted into office?


  16. maryelle says:

    Thank God I have not had to drive behind obscenities like that. My blood pressure would be off the charts. Right now, I am doing some deep breathing to calm down.

  17. There is in my part of the world someone with a really old pick up truck that has been adorned with HUGE signs with apocalyptic messages. The driver is so old I swear he knew Methuselah’s baby sitter. However, I can cope a little better with his perspective than I can with the local housewife who adorned her soccer mom van with a bumper sticker with this message: I Love Waterboarding! God help us if she turns out to be a Girl Scout leader or some such thing!

  18. Linda Phipps says:

    It might be time for me to put some steel in my backbone and wear my T shirt with the republican elephant and the words “this is why we can’t have nice things”.

  19. Linda Phipps says:

    … I might add, it’s 100 percent cotton so the spit could wash off well.
