(Heavy Sigh)

April 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of the four high schools in my little school district.

A Houston Muslim advocacy group has demanded the disciplining of a Richmond high school teacher for allegedly distributing material to students that the group called “virulently anti-Muslim.”

The material is so offensive that the Houston Chronicle gave a warning before people looked at it.

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It was a senior economics class.  To be honest, these classes are mostly taught by the football coach.  I do not know that to be true in this case, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

I also do not know what this Muslim bashing has to do with economics but I guess we should be relieved that it wasn’t handed out by the sex education teacher.

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0 Comments to “(Heavy Sigh)”

  1. Wyatt_Earl says:

    What do I do if taken by Radical Evangelical Christians? Tea Partiers? The Green Bay Packers? Cookie-wielding Girl Scouts?

  2. it’s Houston, what can I say?

  3. If this was a class about traveling the world or going to one of the isLame countries, and the students were old enough to do so then OK what is wrong with this?? Is anything in the article a lie?? No! Then the muslins can stuff it.
    But in a high school class of kids, well depending on the framing of the teacher then yes this could be anti-isLame, but again is there anything in the shown article that is a lie???

  4. @L.Long . . . yeah there are probably truths there. Sounds like a great recruitment spiel as well, for the other side! Ya’ know. It’s hateful and can be held up as thus, an object lesson as to those Ugly Americans!

  5. The entire booklet appears at the link given. It may certainly contain some facts. However, since it is written from a “conservative” Christian point of view, it is not appropriate for a public school and appears to have zero to do with economics. And I will point out that no matter how much apple pie you mix in with cow pie, your guests are probably still not going to want it for dessert.

  6. What is *wrong* with these people?

    Oh, I bet I know what the’re watching on the telly….

  7. And what about the coming Zombie Apocalypse?

    L.Long, you might want to grow up a little and not distort the names of other religions, because it doesn’t reflect well on you.

    There was an elderly woman condemned to be beheaded at the Tower of London about 500 years ago because her family was trying to overthrow the monarch. She refused to tamely put her head on the chopping block, and they had to chase her around hacking away. It was ugly and more painful, but I applaud her spirit. Give ’em the finger, hon.

  8. maryelle says:

    Wonder how the parents would feel if the literature was about Radical Baptists? Something along the lines of Westboro Baptists. There might be some heavy push back from the kristians who engage in that hateful behavior.
    The flyer was intended to stir up hate and anti-Muslim bigotry and the teacher should be held accountable for it.

  9. @Ellie . . . What a lovely analogy . . . (snort!)

  10. L.Long appears to be taking the Krustyan side of this debate.

  11. Aggieland Liz says:

    If the implication or intended inference is that SOME Islamic persons are terrorists, and we can’t tell WHICH ones are terrorists, but ALL terrorists are bad, so for our safety we should assume that ALL ISLAMIC PERSONS ARE BAD, then yeah, THAT IS A LIE! And it is a hateful lie that promotes fear, discrimination, and division of communities, none of which were American virtues last time I checked. Also, L.Long, your argument carries more weight if you keep your language clean, cool, and respectful; makes you look good, like you belong on the high road.

  12. Rheah, wasn’t that ornery old woman the last living Plantagenet woman? And the ax-wielder worked for Henry VIII?

  13. Of course an encounter with your local, non-Muslim armed police might be just as risky, especially depending on your skin color. I wonder if the booklet warns students about that.

  14. This is why none of us, at least none of us who have functional brain cells, want to live under religious law. Matters not whether Sharia/Islam, Jewish, or Christianity. When the ultra-cons of a religion hijack it for their own purposes bad things happen. These terrorists are criminals regardless of their belief system.

  15. Corinne Sabo says:

    This is economics?

  16. Well Ray it seems you have problems reading cuz if you look you will find that I asked questions, and you did not answer them, and since we were not in the class we have no direct evidence as to the framework they were using in class. So again before deciding on which side i am on, is there any lies in the shown information?
    Well Rhea, Ya see Juanita does not like bad language on the site so I ridicule ALL dogma with distorted names rather than 4letter words. And what part of isLame isn’t lame??? I have NO respect for any dogma!! Because ALL dogma is evil.

  17. AliceBeth says:

    Are you sure they HAVE sex education teacher??

  18. @L.Long

    “Because ALL dogma is evil.”

    Like the Ten Commandments?

  19. Ole Scout says:

    L.Long misses the point on all counts. Econ is the examination of the way our culture makes decisions and high-schoolers [even in texas] deserve a real Econ teacher. One who is educated & degreed ‘up nawth – somewhere’, not in the insular atmosphere of the texas educational system.

  20. AliceBeth, they probably have a Sex Ed teacher who takes about two minutes to say that sex is bad and sinful unless it’s with the person you’re married to, so everybody keep their knees together and clothes on and hands folded at all times until pronounced man (not husband) and wife. Then go at it like rabbits and breed like crazy. Anything else and you go straight to Heck. Birth control doesn’t get mentioned, so you end up with lots of ignorant pregnant teenagers.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    Aggieland Liz, yeah for you. No terrorism allowed. I figure most Baptists just kind of cringe and change the subject when churches like Westboro Baptists come up. I sure would. No, I would argue. I’d say “They’re not all like that, and if they were I’d stay far far away from them.” I don’t care what flavor they are, fundamentalists tend to get crazy when they get outside their own boundaries. I had one here the other night saying Jesus was telling her what to do. My husband puts up with her. I don’t, any more. He and I agree she belongs in the loony bin.

  22. daChipster says:

    maggie: …and her name was Maggie! The Wars of the Roses saw her family on both sides of the Plantagenet rift: the Houses of York and Lancaster. She survived all that folderol, and was a member of Henry VIII’s court, off and on. (She was anti-Boleyn.) The last off came when her sons got the whole family in trouble by supporting Catholicism over Church of England (Cake or Death!) via various plots, schemes and conspiracies.

    One of her sons was later pardoned, but St Margaret Pole was led to the block 2 years after her arrest.

    Hilarity ensued, though, in the end, not so much.

  23. Sorry Ole but I DID NOT miss the point, the post was about what is shown, NOT about how screwed up the school system is. Try and get all the various school fully and correctly manned….GOOD luck with that, remember texas is a RED state that means schools are not any good and teachers are lazy and you wont vote the Taxes higher/.

  24. chloe bear says:

    Coming from a family filled with hard-working Texas public school teachers I assure you Texas teachers are not lazy. Every group has rotten apples but do not make false claims about an entire group.

  25. Jill Ann says:

    My kids attended Travis HS, just down the road from Foster. Maybe the difference is that Foster is mostly white, FFA-type kids. Travis is very diverse, and while there is plenty of Bible-thumping, I can’t imagine anything like this being promoted there. Lots of Muslim, Hindu, & other non-Christian kids there.

    IIRC, Econ was in fact taught by the basktball coach…who I think is a great guy, and actually kinda liberal.

  26. SomedayGirl says:

    My kid’s a senior at Foster. This is not his econ teacher, he’s got the other coach.

    While my son was pretty freaked out that anyone would offer such claptrap to a captive audience, there is apparently plenty of support among the student body – and I don’t think they learned that attitude out on the street. Kid has spent most of the last couple days starting every third sentence at school with, “No that’s not true…” or “That’s completely ridiculous…”.

  27. (Snark on.)Yeah, those darn Muslim terrorists. (Snark off.)

    This young Muslim woman from Somalia has been accepted by All Eight Ivy League Universities, plus Stanford, Georgetown, and the University of MN.


    (Snark on.) Yeah, this Minnesota terrorist is a grave danger to, well, Christianists and other RWNJs.

  28. Ole Scout says:

    ellongo – I have the tribulation of holding degrees from ‘Bama, USC & SMU, prior to the current protest generation of nattering nabobs of negativism. Your ‘feeling’ that you know what someone else is saying when the words used aren’t definable [by a recognized lexicon] the way they’re used is dog-whistle for Islam is canine feces, as is, the community of color, Jews, Bahai, Buddah, Shinto & Bao Dai. Your prejudicial angst exposes your hatred of the people who be unlike you.

    The refrain: “Good for us!”, rings loudly in our ears.

  29. Sorry Cloe but a forgot a sentence…The rePUKEians think teachers are lazy…(after all they only work a few months out of the year…;-}
    As an ex-teacher myself I DO know the job is a demanding one.

  30. Well if the Econ teacher is the Football Coach (capitalization intended) you know discipline is simply not an option, he is the most important ‘educator’ in the s book. This is Texas

  31. gabberflasted says:

    LLong, I am so glad you are an ex-teacher. Of what might I ask?

  32. Well #31 from your wording you think I’m an Ahole. but one thing I have found is when you ask questions and they bring up points people don’t like to think about you become a Ahole. That’s OK as I have little patience for non-thinkers who just jump to the 1st easy conclusion.
    I taught Electronics Technology and theory, National Electricians Course, and Math. And I taught an electrics technicians course as job training for ex-prisoners.

  33. Mel18…ESPECIALLY the 10 stupid suggestions.
    I call them suggestions cuz xtians are ALWAYS violating them.
    If you need to see why just listen on YouTube George Carlin’s take down on the 10 to only one…Be Nice!

  34. Darn it, I used to teach Economics. We all aren’t fat football coaches. I hate bad teachers that ruin it for the rest of us.
