(Heavy Sigh)

August 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I read Doonesbury every day.

I also live in the State of Fodder.

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0 Comments to “(Heavy Sigh)”

  1. I don’t know. Rick has probably already infiltrated to Iowa. He sneaked in wearing his new glasses besides a newly dyed Anita.

  2. How about a reverse containment? The state secedes while the Bushes, Perrys, Cruzes and Gomerts are out of the state and we set up border crossings to prevent them from coming back in.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    Looks like lots of good thinking going on! Maybe we could give them falsified road maps or something.

  4. LucyTooners says:

    TalG unless you can contain them in the section of the country east of Texas we want you to keep them. We don’t want contamination from their polluted minds. Sorry!

  5. No need to falsify the road maps, Marge. Just turn them upside down. Or fold them inside out.

  6. Doonesbury’s been publishing oldies for a while; I think this is a few years old.

  7. Jean Kuhn says:

    I was going to send this to you this morning. You got to it first. I read Doonesbury every day too.

    Sorry about the Bushes and Perrys, but you have Wendy Davis and Juanita Jean to be proud of in your state these days.

  8. TalG … we don’t need no stupid Gohmerts, Cruzes, Perrys or a family of Bushes in CO … leave them a doggy door so they can creep back in! Ugh!! We have enough stupid here already!!

  9. Marge Wood says:

    We’re proud of Juanita Jean all right, but so far I don’t think Juanita Jean can run for office.
