Hearing Problems

August 31, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sorry I missed posting about Biden’s speech.  Things got crazy in my world for an afternoon.  I thought it was strong, on point, and righteous.

Trump only heard the voices in his head.


That is not what Biden said.  At all.


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0 Comments to “Hearing Problems”

  1. The Golden Gibbon actually said, “if I were President . . .”
    Hell, man! You are! And things have gone haywire big time!

  2. Larry from Colorado says:

    Did the orange buffoon actually listen, or did Faux Spews translate for him?

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Trumpf’s head is mostly empty, mostly full of shit. Like reading, he doesn’t listen. The little bit of brains he has are only used to spew what he wants his cult to think, and they buy it lock, stock and barrel because they only listen to him. Then they go out with their guns to make him happy.

  4. Trump did Tweet:

    “Just watched what Biden had to say.”
    He didn’t say he listened. He probably hit the mute button while looking for some Cheetos, and heard the voices in his head.

  5. @Rick
    A lot of us hear voices in our heads. That’s a given past a certain age, but when a guy starts listening to those voices and believing what they say then that’s when his problems really start. You gotta learn to say back to them, “oh that’s just rubbish, shut up”.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    So, I listened. Excellent speech, right on point, and direct. As Joe Biden said, in more trenchant words than mine, Trump is offering to rescue us from his own America–the mess that he created–not Biden’s. Trump clearly missed the whole thing.

  7. Fine speech. Let’s quote Biden, not trump:
    “Donald Trump has been a toxic presence in our nation for four years. Poisoning how we talk to one another. Poisoning how we treat one another. Poisoning the values this nation has always held dear. Poisoning our very democracy. Now, in just a little over 60 days, we have a decision to make. Will we rid ourselves of this toxin, or will we make it a permanent part of our character?”

    “Trump has sought to remake this nation in his image: selfish, angry, dark and divisive.”

  8. Thanks for the great comments, you guys. I have reached the point where I have knots in my stomach and can barely watch or listen to anything these days.

    The other night I dreamed I was cutting back blackberry bushes (which I had actually been doing that day) and somehow that was going to clear a path to make voting easier for everyone.

    I just want to vote and pray for the best outcome.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Trumpf spewed a bunch of really batshit crazy stupid things last night and today. Delusional really. Too many to include here so you all will have to read up. His mind is such a mess since his “stroke” (and I don’t mean putting and missing a 3 footer).
