Health Note – American Medical Association YouTube Channel

February 11, 2025 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Now that Trump has taken us back to the 1930s by censoring the CDC and NIH, the American Medical Association has ramped up its YouTube channel providing updates on bird flu and other diseases in the US.  It’s a good source for unbiased info out of the reach of Trump’s bullshit.

American Medical Association YouTube Channel

0 Comments to “Health Note – American Medical Association YouTube Channel”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    You can expect the American Medical Association to be on musk’s doge hit list. According to the internet, they receive federal grants to help support research as well as medical education at universities and residencies for doctors in training. That could be construed as helping people, something no longer allowed with trumpF 47.

  2. thatotherjean says:

    Thank you! I’m glad the AMA is working to keep the public informed, even as Trump tries to shut down other avenues of information about public health. Well done, AMA!

  3. The Surly Professor says:

    In related health un-care news, the following caught my eye:

    The sad thing about Alzheimers is that the victims are often unaware of their state. E.g., a 78 year old who really needs this kind of research to be done for his own sake, deciding that it’s not really needed for anyone.

    OK, that’s my snark for the day. Every research university is going bonkers about indirect costs being limited to 15% instead of the more common 50% (ramping up to near but not past 70% for some top universities). What President Musk doesn’t realize is that the overheads are especially critical for STEM research, and is of low priority for the fields they want to get rid of. English Lit needs lights and a library, but chemistry also needs x-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry machines as well as little things like toxic waste disposal. Medical research has enormous overheads just for record-keeping alone.


    There’s an old joke about an interdepartmental faculty meeting to buy equipment for an engineering department. A crusty mathematician says “I don’t see why they should get all that money. All I need is pencil, paper, and a waste basket.” A sociology prof says “In my field, we don’t even need the wastebasket”.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Whiny when it’s her state katie britt of alabama is complaining that cuts to federal funding needs to be reviewed for her state. It’s affecting her university research grants. Welcome to tumpF-musk. Wonder how she feels about the cabinet secretary of health she voted for who wants to pause infectious disease research in one of his first moves.
