Heads Up, Texans

July 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Governor Greg Abbott has extended early voting for 6 days.  I think he’s trying to defend his willingly ignorant position on ballots by mail.

“Abbott’s decision to extend early voting by six days is exactly like his COVID-19 response: the bare minimum and not fully thought through,” state Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa said in a statement.

Masks are still optional at voting sites.  See?  That’s crazy.  If I were queen: No mask. No pants. No voting.

How come wearing a mask violates your constitutional and religious rights but wearing pants doesn’t?  Doesn’t God want you to show off the gorgeous genitals he gave you?

Early voting in Texas will begin on October 13th now.  While more voting time is a good thing, voting by mail is a better thing.


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