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February 11, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just in case you need it. Here is a handy dandy list of sitting Republican senators who voted to impeach President Clinton over a blow job.


What will we tell the children?


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0 Comments to “Heads Up”

  1. In the instance of Lindsey Graham, this is what we’ll explain to our boys if they ask:


  2. Damn good question! My grandchildren are observing the impeachment trial. Two fo them are still in their teens. The oldest voted for the first time about four years ago. Her ounger brother voted for the first time in November. the third will have to wait a few years for the correct birthday. But all three cannot understand why it looks as if the former president still has a good chance of escaping a guilty verdict. there just aren’t enough good arguments to convince them to keep on hoping, etc. etc. etc. thos voting against impeachment obviously do not have the day to day job of raising children. Otherwise they would know better.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    We’ll tell our children and grandchildren that most people are actually good people. It just so happens that for some reason, a fair number of people that aren’t all that good went into politics, and end up in congress (and as potus 45). Help them understand what to look for when they vote.

  4. Can we just say that Monica didn’t suck as much as Donald?

  5. It does seem that Trump inciting rioters to pursue members of Congress, steal from the Capitol, and murder a police officer was the greater offense.

  6. Fred Farkleshine says:

    I wish a journalist would ask each of those Senators what is worse, on camera:
    Getting a bj in the White House or have your supporters kill 5+ in a failed insurrection, in the Capitol building?

  7. Graham, no doubt, was jealous.

  8. Ted, you really shouldn’t make me spew stuff out my nose like that!

  9. Chloe Bear says:

    In terms of accountability – Charles Manson wasn’t present at the murders – but he manipulated, incited, galvanized his followers. Manson was guilty

  10. That was 22 years ago and all these hypocritical old farts still think about is getting reelected. In a sane world the Republican party would be toast right now.

  11. @Ted #4 – You win the internets today! LOL!

  12. Another reason for term limits

  13. thatotherjean says:

    @Steve from Beaverton #3

    Good plan. We might also talk to them about the fact that the Republican Party has been on the skids toward Fascism for decades, now, and it’s getting more obvious with every election. And the Southern Strategy that galvanized that slide, and Newt Gingrich and the “Contract with America,” and. . .and. . .and. . .depending on their tolerance for political discussions.

  14. Grandma Ada says:

    Ted #4 – you said it perfectly!

  15. Here’s what Mike Huckabee is telling the kids.
    [OMFG– Nooooooooo… check out the video ad too]:

    The Kids Guide to President Trump:


    “This fun kids’ guide will help your kids learn all about the president’s greatest achievements. What’s more, it’s part of a very special gift bundle that includes a free kids’ magazine and free video lesson, too. To learn more and order the Kids Guide to President Trump gift bundle, just visit FreeTrumpGuide.com.”

  16. if JFK was still a U.S. Senator he could author “Profiles in Spinelessness”

  17. Susan Yardley says:

    The GOP accused Hillary of not providing enough security to the embassy in Bengazi and accused her of contributing to the deaths of 4 Americans. I believe they investigated that for 2 years. And now, the killing of 5 Americans as a result of the storming of the US Capitol, while intentionally (it would appear) withholding more troops from going to the Capitol, does not even rate high enough in some GOP Senators’ minds to bother to attend the Trump impeachment trial. I have a deep desire to forceable shave off Ted Cruz’ ridiculous face hair with a machete, but as a sane human I will not act upon that desire.

  18. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I believe Jr Trumpf laid out (on news max) what the defense will say tomorrow in the senate- that democrats and media incited insurrection across the country against Trumpf in 2020. Somehow that means Trumpf is not guilty as charged. I’m not going to give him any benefit of the doubt that vandalism in some cities last year equals what happened on Jan 6. But if repugnanticans buy into that (which they will), they’re saying 2 wrongs make a right. The attack and breach of the capital, and everything that resulted (including death and serious injury and national trauma) is now OK. Sick.

  19. john in denver says:

    One argument I’ve not yet seen …

    Trump is responsible. Take a look at the turnout for “Stop the Steal” demonstrations at state capitals when Trump was NOT flogging attendance and didn’t give a speech …

    … versus the January 6 event he promoted (“it will be wild!”), attended, and spoke at.

  20. Old but Slow says:

    Is it interesting that during the disruption Drump was not rushed out of DC by security to safeguard him? Why was he not immediately put into a bunker, or whatever as the supposed leader of the country during a violent event near him?

  21. Harry Eagar says:

    weakgrip, not Kennedy. Maybe Sorenson.

  22. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Kevin McCarthy is king of the false equivalence: “Think about four years ago after Trump was sworn in. What happened the very next day? The title was ‘resist’ with people walking in the streets.” Walking. In. The Streets.

    There were millions of us walking in the streets, all over the world. If we had wanted to storm the Capitol it would have stayed stormed. But there wasn’t so much as a broken window.


  23. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Old but Slow- Trumpf had a celebration to get to while the capital was being broken into, and convinced his ss he was safe. The videos of him and his family watching the news and yuking it up and toasting the insurrection at a party was damning and should have been played at the impeachment.

  24. john in denver says:

    Steve from Beaverton @24 …
    all the video I saw of Trump & family watching and yucking it up were from the functional equivalent of the Green Room, BEFORE Trump’s speech.

    As best I can tell, he went back into the White House, didn’t go down the street as he said he would, and remained in the offices watching TV and talking with staff and supporters. Probably pushed the Diet Coke button a few times, too, and picked up his trusty phone for some unsecured tweeting and calls.
