Heads Up

December 17, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There will be a live feed of all the DNC candidate by clicking here.   It was supposed to start at 2:30 but we’re running late.  https://m.facebook.com/TexasDemocraticParty

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0 Comments to “Heads Up”

  1. Many of us are feeling upset by the election of Trump.
    We need to fight back.
    I went out to dinner with friends last night and we decided to fight back.
    My friend sent this to me and was I was wondering if you could pass it on to all the wonderful people here.
    My Congress person is getting an email a week from me. She supports Trump. But if she was getting 15 -20 emails or even 100 well….

    I will NOT go gently or quietly.
    None of us should
    Merry Christmas!


  2. This is why I keep beating the drum for none of the D Congressional’s approve any unanimous consent agreements for anything.
    Not for the minutes, not for morning speeches, not for considering the bill as read. Nothing
    Not for “housekeeping” issues nothing.
    Require debate and roll call votes for everything including for “housekeeping” actions and minutes.
    There are rules for when committees can meet that relate to the different houses being in session or not. They are usually waived with unanimous consent. No more. some committees require at least 1 representative of the minority party be present to meet quorum requirements ( Judiciary? cough cough Ethics ha ha and some others) total boycott of those committees.
    No cooperation on anything.
    The only place the d’s can stop the railroad is at the station if they allow it to get rolling they become political road kill.
    This would in effect grind the two houses down to almost total halt.
    This would put serious crimp in 100 day plan.
    There wouldn’t be enough time to read all the garbage the thugs are proposing much less debate and vote.
    apply this to any action on a budget or even debt ceiling.
    What ever choas that might occur would be less damaging then letting theses doofus’s get away with their randian agenda.
    The system is already broken. The d’s by being the only pople who are trying to salvage a broken system are setting the citizenry up to be betrayed.
    Pour as much sand into the gears as possible.
    Let the thugs worry about the effect.

  3. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Guys – to be honest, I was most impressed with Keith Ellison and Tom Perez impressed me the most.

    I’m a liberal labor Democrat so I will go with Ellison.

  4. Yeah! Great choice JJ. Keith brings energy, enthusiasm and a fire in the belly that won’t go out. Go Keith and Democrats!

  5. I was hoping for a black /hispanic former muslim present atheist gay transsexual woman for chair .
    Put her an TV every day.
    but lacking that….

  6. WA Skeptic says:

    I like Ellison, too. He’s just “kick ass and take names” to get the D’s out of their passivity.

  7. Ellison is a sitting congressman. DWS was a sitting congressman, and look what that got us. I like Ellison, but he has two huge weaknesses: 1) He’ll only work part time in a job that should be 24/7/365. 2) He’s already pissed off the Jewish vote and donors. That’s a bad start. We need a war fighter, not a part time deal maker with baggage.

  8. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    El Jefe, in his speech to the Texas Democratic Party yesterday (and in his literature) Ellison promises to resign his congressional seat if he wins because he sees that as a problem, too. His district covers all of Minneapolis and some suburban surrounding areas and is 64% white. As far as the Jewish vote, Chuck Schumer endorsed him so that should help. He came to Texas last year to campaign and fundraise for some local candidates and asked nothing in return. I like him.
