Heads Up

October 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As Primo let you know below, the climate is going to hell in a hand basket.

I need y’all to send all your good thoughts to Houston, the second most liberal city in Texas.

Look here.  The hype-free weather guys says, “damn.”  (Click the little one to get the big one.)


Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 11.40.41 AM

See that little white spot in the middle that says 11 – 15 inches?  If you can enlarge it real big, you will be able to see me waving at you.  Holy crap, the rain is a’comin’.

Bubba is up at his office, moving all his files to the tops of tables.  I am at home pulling out every flashlight we have because I just got a text from Centerpoint Energy saying that it’s highly probable we won’t have any electricity and they don’t know when the hell they can get it fixed.  Thank God we have some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in the freezer that will have to be eaten.

Bubba has charcoal and wood for the barbeque house out back so we’ll eat – probably even better than normal.  We have a second floor in case it gets real bad.   We’d leave but look at that map and tell me where the hell we’d go.

So, I suspect I should get an airplane ticket to DeeCee and go stand outside the Benghazi hearing room yelling like a banshee.

To my fellow Texans:  hunker down and take it like an old bull in a blue norther.

I’ll check in every now and then in the comment section.


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0 Comments to “Heads Up”

  1. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    So far, over here on the east side, it’s been a slow steady rain, which we needed. We haven’t been out, but the street here never even got noticeable water running to the storm drains.

    It’s a Tom DeLay feature that JJ and I are in the same congressional district, with her over in Ft. Bend county and me here near Galveston Bay. They took a tiny strip of liberal voters and put them in his district so we can’t cause much trouble.

  2. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Here in Montco, we have a consistent light misty rain with bands of hard stuff, but a lot more wind today. We’re waiting to see what happens to the San Jacinto River & Spring Creek later today/tomorrow when all the water from the north flows by. Hatches still battened down for now.

    Glad you didn’t float away, JJ. But the big question is, is there any ice cream left?

  3. It’s still raining steadily in Beaumont. There’s probably some flooding somewhere around – it usually happens when there’s a good rain, but I see a lot of traffic close to my house.
    I heard a drip-drip-drip from my hall closet a bit ago. Only lasted a couple of minutes, but I’m keeping fingers crossed that it won’t start up again. I guess a roof inspection is in my near future!

  4. Up here around D.C. we have seen only very, very light rain. Have not yet heard from my daughter in Aladamnbama. Where she lives is a bit higher than the rest of the state but her entire community was built on a reclaimed swamp, kind of like Disneyworld, but not anywhere as much fun.

  5. Hope everyone faired well! We lucked out here in the Corpus Christi area…much needed good rain but not the deluge that was forecast…

  6. AlanInAustin says:

    About 8″ of rain so far this weekend in N. Austin. I haven’t seen or heard much about flooding other than in places where that’s typically a problem during almost any rain.
