May 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Justice Department is dropping the criminal case against President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, whose lies about his contacts with Russia prompted Trump to fire him three years ago and special counsel Robert Mueller to flip him to cooperate in the Russia investigation.

CNN – right damn now.

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0 Comments to “HE PLED GUILTY, DAMMIT!”

  1. charles phillips says:

    Yup, we sorta expected that, right?

  2. maryelle says:

    Might not the judge have the final say in this matter?

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And it just gets worse and worse. I’ve heard these times described like the move “Groundhog Day.” True in so many ways. Don’t you wish you could wake up tomorrow and have it be Election Day (or in time to vote by mail)? And then go to sleep until Inauguration Day, hopefully a very good day, and not the start of hell again.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    Is this the kind of thing that will get Stone, et al, out of jail time?

  5. RepubAnon says:

    Crookeder than a dog’s hind leg. And jeopardy attached, so he may be immune from further prosecution.

  6. Sandridge says:

    Ahhh, but there are different kinds of ‘guilty’. There’s IOKIYARGuilty [do the crime, no time], and everything else for non-Rs.

  7. The United States is a kakistocratic kleptocracy now.

  8. Harry Eagar says:

    In my redneck of the woods, the threads are exploding with hosannas to the great patriot. I reminded them that the great American patriot was an agent of Turkey.

  9. thatotherjean says:

    We’re being led by a mob boss wanna-be, and the AG is his attorney. Trump found his Roy Cohn, in spades. This is SO wrong–indescribably (at least on this blog) so. Throw these crooks out in November, then prosecute them.

  10. megasoid says:

    Barr Accused of ‘Capturing Justice System’ for Benefit of Trump as DOJ Drops Case Against Michael Flynn

    by Julia Conley, staff writer

    Edit: “Fairness, independence, and the rule of law are principles that have no meaning to Barr. This is a dark day for the Justice Department.”

    “Make no mistake: today is the day Barr flipped from fighting crime to openly facilitating it.”
    —Norm Eisen, Brookings Institution

    full article:

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    megasoid @10, I’d take issue with Norm Eisen with “Make no mistake: today is the day Barr flipped from fighting crime to openly facilitating it.” Billy Bob Barr has not flipped; he’s ‘merely’ continuing with the same sort of support he had for criminals in the George H. W. Bush soap show.

  12. 1) I believe since a guilty plea has been entered that the judge can proceed with sentencing
    2) Can the judge demand an investigation of this action since this apparent abuse of power by Barr happened in the judges court room?
    3) If I remember correctly part of plea agreement was the feds would let Flynn’s son skate on charges. Maybe January would ba a good time to revisit charges against junior

  13. BarbinDC says:

    We were watching Barr on the news tonight and my Bubba asked, “How is it that someone that old, fat, and out of shape can tap dance like that?”

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The current department of injustice is in the mold of Nixon’s. Corrupt if not criminal.

  15. megasoid says:

    Jane & PKM @ 11 If you are talking about Barr and not Eisen, I did look up a few of the names of future gang members of the trumpocracy and the ones who simply took their ignominious leave. So yeah, Eisen should have done his due diligence.

    Get out of jail cards~

    William Barr, has been around the block before. He served in the same role during the administration of the late George H.W. Bush. Barr’s stint lasted from 1991-1993, during which time Bush granted a series of pardons to officials charged in the Iran-Contra affair.

    What’s more, a 2001 interview reveals, Barr matter-of-factly said that he advised Bush to do this.

    In 1992, Bush pardoned former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger for the various crimes he was alleged to have committed during the Iran-Contra affair–just before Weinberger was slated to go on trial for perjury and obstruction of justice. This final pardon–the sixth in a series of Iran-Contra related pardons–completed a clean sweep for the Iran-Contra criminals who were, in fact, Bush’s own alleged co-conspirators in the national scandal.

    full article:

  16. maryelle says:

    The miscreants who make up this maladministration and who may see the end coming are desperate to tie up loose ends.
    All the faux-president’s men will be handed their get out of jail free cards and Republican extremists who have been installed at all the Departments of government will do their dark deeds at Drumpf’s behest. Barr has been at it for quite sometime.
    Mnuchin paid off their buddies with stimulus money. SCOTUS will destroy Obamacare and US Post Office will be used to scuttle the election and we are powerless to stop it.

  17. AliceBeth says:

    Heard on Rachel last night that the judge does still have authority. And Steve, it is not only corrupt, it is criminal, every day.

  18. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Maryelle#16 – this is what keeps me awake at night. We are powerless to stop it. And with Moscow Mitch packing the courts, there will be no end in sight for another 40 years.

    I am by nature an optimist; but I’m not seeing a way out of this, they’ve gummed up the works so badly.

  19. maggie says:

    1. I’ll say it again. The FBI has a lot more stuff on different issues on Flynn in their files. They may have to wait until late November to see who wins the Presidency. Yeah. I know. It should be Biden, but this cosmos is so unpredictable whenit comes to physics.
    2. The judge can make a huge difference. And right now UI bet he is fuming like a semi dormant volcano.

  20. The Surly Professor says:

    For the denizens here who are lawyers or legally aligned (Miss Demeanor?), I’m curious about Ford’s pardoning of Nixon. In it, he pardoned him for any and all crimes that might have been committed during his presidency.

    Can Trump do that? E.g., decide to give the same kind of blanket pardon to Flynn (and Barr and Ivanka and …)? Can he extend it to acts committed even before November 2016? Even at the time of Nixon’s pardon, it seemed like an extreme stretch of power.

    I’m sure this does not apply to state charges, but let’s face it: most of Flynn’s scummy acts were violations of Federal law, not state law.

  21. the two biggest current problems that need to be fixed now… moskow mitch & the donald … it is going to take 10 years to return to “normal”

  22. Buttermilk Sky says:

    We’re finally taking down statues of treasonous generals like Nathan Bedford Forrest. How long before somebody wants to erect one of this treasonous general?

  23. jrkrideau says:

    I would point out that pleading guilty often has little to do with “being” guilty in the US legal system.

  24. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    jr, I would agree with you about that 95% of the time. But generally, it is somebody with an appointed lawyer who knows they can beat the rap but they can’t beat the ride. Reduce the charge with a reduced sentence or even time served, and most people would plead to anything just to get out of jail. But, that’s not the case here. Flynn has the best lawyers money can buy. He also swore under oath that the only reason he’s pleading guilty is because he’s guilty – so I guess we can add lying under oath to his treason. We all know who told Flynn to lie to Pence OR he didn’t lie to Pence.
