He Lies Just To Stay in Practice

September 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Paul Ryan is a stinker. A fibbing stinker.

Now he’s become Rosie Ruiz with a strange haircut.

Ryan’s claim of an under three hour marathon turned out to be a honkin’ lie.

Turns out that Ryan’s three hour marathon turned out to be over four hours and was called The Grannies Marathon. And it was 20 years ago. He hasn’t run since then. Except, for course, for now – when the truth his chasing his butt.

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0 Comments to “He Lies Just To Stay in Practice”

  1. TexasEllen says:

    Maybe he’s a secret Kenyan? That’s where most of the great marathon runners come from.

  2. Sam in Pearland says:

    Sure good at running off at the mouth.
    Got Immodium?

  3. Maybe Ryan won the marathon retroactively, just like Romney resigned from Bain.

  4. He also walked on the moon just ahead of Armstrong.

  5. buskyandme says:

    Lyin Ryan… such a nice ring to it. I’m sure daChipster can do something amazing with it!

  6. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    That poor sod no longer knows the difference between truth and Galt’s Gulchland. He ran that marathon in the fantasy world he’s been dreaming of since reading Atlas Shrugged.

  7. Isn’t it scary?
    if he can lie so easily about the small things, he can lie about the GM plants closing down and God only knows what else.
    And as a former catholic, lying is a big deal.

  8. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    And the very next item on my reading list was entitled “Paul Ryan’s Blatant Lies About The B-S Commission”. It’s worth an extra read: http://capitalgainsandgames.com/blog/stan-collender/2612/paul-ryans-blatant-lies-about-b-s-commission

  9. Why should we expect anything less from them when their campaign pollster states that they aren’t going to let “fact checkers” influence their campaign.

    They know that the Sheeple don’t care about facts. They will see nothing on Fox News that disputes any of the “facts” that spew from the mouth of Mr. Ryan or Rmoney.

    They will never “believe the Liberal Media”. So, the campaign has no incentive to tell the truth.

    I thought Stephanie Cutter showed some cojones last week when she told Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC that their was no way to sugar coat it but Paul Ryan was a liar. About time someone actually used the word LIE.

  10. He lied about the Granny Marathon, but I read somewhere on-line that since having some kind of surgery, he only runs about 10 miles a day or week or … maybe that’s just his mouth!! When you’re only a 20-something, you can do a lot of things you can’t do when you’re older … so now Lyin’ Ryan does the Boston Marathon with his mouth!!

    Don’t let these idiots spoil your Sunday, kiddos … and have a great Labor Day Monday, too … better enjoy the holidays you can because the Repukes may want to limit the number of holidays we have to enjoy! Being retired, every day is a holiday to me! ;o)

  11. Wow, @TexasEllen, you maybe onto something.

  12. A lie is a lie is a lie!! Drives me nuts the way the folks in the media will say he “misspoke”, or he was “not accurate”…Marcia above said it best–Lyin’ Ryan! 🙂

  13. Remember back in 2000 when Al Gore got tagged as the “Great Exaggerator?” That punk Eddie Munster’s got nothin’ on him.

  14. He gets a pass on this one, its lying about sex. Not in the job description. I really Boston qualified three times, all faster than his Grandmas time and I’m old enough to be his father. Still don’t care because these things can be verefied and debunked. The rest of his lying is an on the job felony!

  15. To Don A in Pennsyltucky: Thank you so much for that link. It was, indeed, worth reading. My husband and I subscribe to a number of publications (and, no, not only “The Nation”) and try very hard to truly understand what the heck is going on. I thank JJ, her readers, and you, Don, for making it easier for me sometimes. For you young readers, I don’t see as well, I don’t hear as well, I don’t feel as well, but I still think pretty well, thank the Lord. Thanks, Don!

  16. Katt Semore says:

    I love your site, you have grit and get the truth for your readers! You are a great lady! Thanks a million for this link you posted. I wish every one knew the truth about Ryan! The one’s that watch Fox fake news will be kept in the dark about it all!

  17. Olden Grey says:

    There is an unwritten code of honor among marathoners that you never lie about your time. I ran them for years and believe me, just to finish one is a tremendous accomplishment, so your time is really only important to you. Shame on him!
