He Just Wants To Say SEX a Whole Lot

May 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is under indictment for about 20 different felonies and is a real sinker, has gone all sex sex sex over the gender neutral bathrooms thing.

ken-paxton-mugFirst off, I do not want my kids to go to any of the bathrooms with Ken Paxton. I don’t trust the guy. He’s creepy.

Paxton got semi-famous because his wife goes around to Republican meetings singing, “I’m a pistol packing momma and my husband sues Obama,” which sounds vaguely threatening to me and totally goofy. You can hear it here but I’m warning you, it’s not music, it’s noise.

Anyway, before I forget where I’m going here, Paxton is a’blaze with indignation that President Obama says we should be respectful of our neighbors.  That must be something out of that Muslim stuff because Christians like Ken Paxton say it’s okay to love America but hate Americans.

Anyway, Texas stands to lose again.  Our Governor, our Lt. Gov., and our Attorney General all three say we ain’t gonna let people decide what gender they are because people like them would lie to to see women peepee.  Or that creepy people would hang out in bathrooms looking to do dirty stuff, you know, like Republican politicians.

It stands to reason that since apparently Republican politicians have raunchy ideas and deeds, that maybe we could just bar them from using any public bathrooms.

If Texas Republicans decide that they want to dig in their heels, which seems likely because they are mostly heels, we lose $6 billion in federal funding.  But, look, people dying because we don’t accept our Medicaid funds from the federal government doesn’t bother Republicans, so you think ignorant kids will bother them?



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