Having All The Fun

February 24, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Sumbitches

Juanita thinks that Republican elected officials have cornered the market on all the fun.

“Governor Jim Gibbons of Nevada is having so much fun that he forgets who he’s doing the wild thing with currently and or even that she’s standing right beside him,” Juanita reports.  “So, he has to admit he lied on camera about taking the current Miss Cutie Pie on official state trips with him.  The current Miss Cutie Pie had to hide in an airport bathroom while all this was going on.”

“Now, Honey, I ain’t no Oprah, but I think that if your boyfriend leaves you to fend for yourself in an airport bathroom and refers to you as his ‘security’, you need a new boyfriend.”

Mark another one in the “Got It” column under Juanita’s name.


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