Haven’t Read the Mueller Report? Then Read This

July 11, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Mueller, Trump

At 448 pages, the Mueller report is tough sledding, described as hard to read “as a terms of service” document.  Insider has solved that problem for you.  They hired Mark Bowden, a journalist and author who wrote “Black Hawk Down,” “Killing Pablo,” and “Hue 1968.”  They also hired an artist who illustrates graphic novels.  Bowden took the entire Mueller report and supporting documents to masterfully write a narrative description, complete with illustrations, of the findings of the Mueller report.  The read is long, but a page turner.  If you want to understand the stunning story of Trump’s criminality and horrible conduct, this is it.

This is a must read, and a must share story.

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