Have Mercy, Sweet Jesus

June 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I had to read this from three different places before I would believe it’s real.

On a conference call with state officials to kick off the start of hurricane season, Trump explained why there were so many people who had to be rescued after hurricane Harvey.

“Sixteen thousand people, many of them in Texas, for whatever reason that is, people went out in their boats to watch the hurricane,” Trump said. “That didn’t work out too well. That didn’t work out too well.”

Hold on.  I have to take a few deep breaths before I can deal with this.  Nope, a few more. Somebody get me a cool rag for my head.

First off, many of them were in Texas because that’s where the freekin’ hurricane was.  Surprisingly, very few people in Nevada had to be rescued due to a hurricane in Texas.  Equally baffling is the low numbers of Texas rescues from fires in California.

Second off, one does not “watch” a hurricane, much less from a boat.  People on the coast know about tide surges, what 110 MPH winds can do, and that 52 inches of rain alone would sink your boat.

But here’s the clincher.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott is still kissing Trump’s hiney.

When asked later to confirm if people were out on boats to gawk at the storm, Abbott said he had “no information one way or another about that.”

Dumb as a bag of hammers and admiring the King’s clothes, Abbott didn’t have the courage to explain that the boats came out after the hurricane to rescue people trapped in their homes.

People NOT out hurricane watching.



I would like to extend a warm invitation to Trump to come sit in Bubba’s bass boat to watch the next hurricane that hits along the Gulf Coast.  Now, y’all all tell him it’s a bunch of fun and that Hillary was too chicken to do it.

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0 Comments to “Have Mercy, Sweet Jesus”

  1. 1smartcanerican says:

    He just gets stupider by the day. Unbelievable!

  2. That Other Jean says:

    Just when you think it can’t POSSIBLY get worse. . . . And the Republican Congress (and apparently a lot of run-of-the mill Republicans, too) continue to support him, no matter how much utter stupidity he demonstrates. This country is broken.

  3. “Hillary was too chicken to do it.” And Obama was in Kenya playing golf with Jeff Bezos.

    Donny sold his yacht after a year because he is afraid of water so he needs some extra incentive.

  4. eyesoars says:

    It eludes me how anyone can believe the President* has even normal intelligence.

  5. Idiot studying to be an imbecile and flunking the course would be about 3 grades up for Donnie the Dimwit.

  6. yet another baby boomer says:

    Plus, he told Trudeau that Canada burned down the white house. I don’t blame the Canadians if they hate our guts now. I just cringed when I read that story, how effen’ embarrassing.

  7. yet another baby boomer says:

    Oops!!! Posted on the above on the wrong entry. Mea culpa, it’s hard to keep up with all the stupid things he says.

    But yes, where the **** did he get this idea? Good lord, no matter where you live, most folks have enough common sense to stay out of a major weather event.

  8. I can find no way to twist Spanky’s words into something remotely funny.

    “Not right, that boy is.”

  9. OMFG This effen SOBOTUS has existed in a golden bubble full of asskissing bootlickers for over seventy years, he is simply full of shit.
    He lost his own 300′ yacht due to his financial dumbfockery, he was forced to sell that yacht after less than two years; for which he paid $30M plus ~$15M more in refit costs, sold for a mere ~$18-20M, losing about $25M.

    Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas Coastal Bend at Rockport as a Cat 4-5 force hurricane, three days before it came back ashore for Houston.

    I can truthfully say that I was one of relatively few people who did WATCH IT from my boat (for a little while)!
    I watched it approach from aboard my sailboat moored in a marina slip in Rockport, after I had stripped and secured the boat as best I could. It was one of few there that survived the 140-150mph winds (with damage). A number of my dockmates who lived aboard lost their vessels, sunk.
    There is no freakin’ way I would have put to bay or sea in either of my boats into the path of Harvey, just to watch. And neither would anyone else, let alone SIXTEEN THOUSAND PEOPLE.

    I stayed there, aboard ship, until the rain bands and winds had picked up to a level (sideways rain and howling winds) that I judged I had just enough ‘weather window’ before landfall left, to drive home to ride out Harvey on land (far safer). I made these judgments based on a close internet WX watch, a knowledge of weather (formal and informal), and direct experience of decades with many hurricanes and tropical storms.
    Harvey followed me up the highway (one helluva drive) and hung around near home for more than a day.
    Then Harvey went back down to the shore, proceeded offshore into the GOM in an easterly direction, and made another landfall and proceeded to rain like crazy over Houston.

    Here, read about Hurricane Harvey, look at the radar/satellite loops and pictures too. Part of my marina appears in the topmost, first picture on the “Photos (Rockport)” tab, you can see some of the tremendous damage sustained; look at the rest of the pics too, the area is still in bad shape.


  10. slipstream says:

    He really is that stupid.

  11. “Woe to the land that’s governed by a child.” — Shakespeare, Richard III Act 2 scene 3.

  12. Teh Gerg says:

    Trump thinks crap like this is funny and that people appreciate his “humor”. There’s another word for him that sounds a bit like “funny” and starts with “ph”.

  13. Charles R Phillips says:

    If there had been 16,000 Texans in small boats watching Hurricane Harvey, the death toll would have been 16,000 people higher than it was.

    In 1976, I was aboard USS Ranger when she was caught in Subic Bay during Super Typhoon Olga. No one died on board, but we crushed 4 barges placed between us and the carrier pier.
    If anyone had been in a small boat during that, they would have been blown a mile or more inland and mashed into the jungle.

  14. I’ve told this story before. But in light of this it bears repeating. A new friend of mine and his 21 year old son were out in the latter part of the storm, pulling people from flooded homes and a nursing home. It was 2 or 3 in the morning, they’d been at it for hours. Soaked to the bone. And cold. This is not warm Gulf of Mexico storm surge water. This was accumulated rainwater. Rainwater is cold. As his boy waded through chest deep water helping elderly people into their boat he was shivering violently. Dad was deeply concerned about hypothermia, and told his boy that they should take a break.
    Keep in mind that it was still raining. Hard. Water’s rising.
    His son said “Dad these people could die. I’m fine.”
    These are the kind of folks that the walking, talking pile of shit in the white house is referring to.

  15. El Jefe says:

    “I’m like King Midas in reverse. Everything I touch turns to s–t.”

    Tony Soprano

  16. I just had an epiphany.
    Donnie John Douchebag is a/the Golgothan.
    It’s from a film called Dogma. It’s a profane and fantastically (to some) offensive film about the Catholic church.
    And it’s F**KING PERFECT!!!

  17. P.P., y’all might like this “Capitan Clueless” POTUS picture, with the perfect factual caption– (POTUS-PieceOfTotallyUselessShit):


    Charles R Phillips, exactly right:
    16,000 water-borne smallboat gawkers + major hurricane = 16,000 corpses.
    Most people have no concept of the deadly forces of Nature at it’s extremes. Far beyond that, Captain Clueless has lived his worthless life in golden bubble, totally insulated from reality and Nature.

  18. Let’s see . . . first there was Hurricane Agnes that hit us shortly after moving into our house. Then there was a string of rather vapid and probably over-hyped storms but such storms can and a do a lot of damage. Katrina. What a lovely feminine name for such a hideous storm. Then Wilma. And of course, don’t forget Rita or the storm that smacked hell out of Florida along with a military base at Homestead. Hugo was the storm that made me forever swear off volunteering on a hot line for family members looking for survivors in Charleston. Or any kind of hot line.The hot line number was crashed by really misbegotten types. But I guess I will never forget Sandy. The rain band was just starting to exert itself over us as we took my late husband into the nursing home. He insisted on walking in under his own power. He was that kind of guy.

    But this excrescence coming out of the White House about people getting into their boats to watch a Cat 5 move in to kill them is proof enough that the expounder of such **** should be immediately wrapped in a sleeveless garment and buckled tight and taken some place where the only thing that can hear him gibber are the padded walls. He owes the survivors a HUGE apology and a boatload of penance to atone for such behavior. As for the mindset behind the behavior, well, I’ve just said my piece.

  19. Reading the FB page of one of the local TV stations who reported this nonsense – the cult is blaming the press for leaving out “facts” about this. They were ABSOLUTELY supporting this orange thing in the WH saying we are all misinterpreting what he said. UNBELIEVABLE! Yes – he could kill someone and the cult would excuse him.

  20. JJ, what the heck does that photo of Trump’s inauguration (above), with people watching from boats in the National Mall Reflecting Pool have to do with anything? That was a huge turnout! Biggest ever!

  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The bizarre rant about Texans in boats came after he praised FEMA (and himself, of course) for splendid work in Puerto Rico, where only 2,400 people died and thousands still have no electricity. Or roofs. Bastard.

  22. Buttermilk Sky, slight error: it was minimum of 6,400 deaths in Puerto Rico due to the hurricane, not 2,400.
    That number from a Harvard study, another study came out with ~7,800+.
    Per the Governor of Puerto Rico and their ‘official’ number, the total deaths were just 64. So the Republican Governor downsized the actual death toll by a factor of x100.
    I have no doubt that those higher numbers are far closer to accurate, a Cat 5 hurricane is an incredible force. I’m surprised that with a direct hit on the island, the death toll wasn’t far higher than even those 6,400-7,800+.

    Welcome to the propaganda universe of “1984”, “Brave New World”, and “Animal Farm”.
