Have Mercy, Sweet Jesus

June 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I had to read this from three different places before I would believe it’s real.

On a conference call with state officials to kick off the start of hurricane season, Trump explained why there were so many people who had to be rescued after hurricane Harvey.

“Sixteen thousand people, many of them in Texas, for whatever reason that is, people went out in their boats to watch the hurricane,” Trump said. “That didn’t work out too well. That didn’t work out too well.”

Hold on.  I have to take a few deep breaths before I can deal with this.  Nope, a few more. Somebody get me a cool rag for my head.

First off, many of them were in Texas because that’s where the freekin’ hurricane was.  Surprisingly, very few people in Nevada had to be rescued due to a hurricane in Texas.  Equally baffling is the low numbers of Texas rescues from fires in California.

Second off, one does not “watch” a hurricane, much less from a boat.  People on the coast know about tide surges, what 110 MPH winds can do, and that 52 inches of rain alone would sink your boat.

But here’s the clincher.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott is still kissing Trump’s hiney.

When asked later to confirm if people were out on boats to gawk at the storm, Abbott said he had “no information one way or another about that.”

Dumb as a bag of hammers and admiring the King’s clothes, Abbott didn’t have the courage to explain that the boats came out after the hurricane to rescue people trapped in their homes.

People NOT out hurricane watching.



I would like to extend a warm invitation to Trump to come sit in Bubba’s bass boat to watch the next hurricane that hits along the Gulf Coast.  Now, y’all all tell him it’s a bunch of fun and that Hillary was too chicken to do it.

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