Welcome to The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
My name is Susan DuQuesnay Bankston. I live in Richmond, Texas, in the heart of Tom DeLay's old district. It's nuttier than squirrel poop here.
I am honored and privileged to know Miss Juanita Jean Herownself, hairdresser extraordinary and political maven. Since she does not have time to fiddle with this internet stuff, I type her website for her and you can read it if you want to. If you don't, she truly does not give a big bear's butt.
A lot of what I post here has to do with local politics, but you probably have the same folks in your local government.
This ain't a blog. Blogs are way too trendy for me. This is a professional political organization.
Cute, matching Von’s golden sneakers.
But I’m really getting tired of getting enraged at seeing US flag symbols and imagery portrayed in the same frame, usually as a backdrop, with Major Loser Donald J Trump, the very anti-thesis of a true and patriotic American citizen.
The sonuvabitch should be tried as a traitor and found guilty on all counts, and given the appropriate penalty (gallows or bullets, whichever).
1Sandridge: Death by shark.
2Half Empty, Let’s be nice to the sharks. I know sharks, they’re an essential part of nature, no point in poisoning the boogers.
3I’m surprised Trump doesn’t brag more about how he’s an asstronaut.
4They are delusional and in denial (all RWN jobs, maga, fox, etc). Ignore trumpf’s mental decline, dimentia.
I also think the next time a media mouthpiece on a “news” program asks a Democrat about whether Trumpf’s recent trial was politically motivated, they should say yes. Then say “yes, Trumpf’s payment to a porn star to keep her quiet during the 2016 presidential election was absolutely politically motivated. Does that answer your question news person?”