Happy Birthday, Momma
Momma is having her 87th birthday today. We’re having a party here at the beauty salon with her daughter, her daughter-in-laws, her granddaughters and her granddaughters-in-law and her great granddaughters. It’s going to be a fiesta of Aqua Net, shiny, and oooohhhs. Everybody has arrived in town early for Christmas to celebrate Momma.
So, y’all keep up with things until this evening. If the world ends for you people on the East Coast, give me a heads up so I can have an extra Margarita. And if Sweet Jesus comes back, send him over to to Momma’s party. He’d feel right at home with Momma. But if that mean hateful vindictive Jesus comes back, send him on over, too, so I can read the new testament to him.