Happy Birthday, Momma

December 21, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Momma is having her 87th birthday today.  We’re having a party here at the beauty salon with her daughter, her daughter-in-laws, her granddaughters and her granddaughters-in-law and her great granddaughters.  It’s going to be a fiesta of Aqua Net, shiny, and oooohhhs.  Everybody has arrived in town early for Christmas to celebrate Momma.

So, y’all keep up with things until this evening.  If the world ends for you people on the East Coast, give me a heads up so I can have an extra Margarita.  And if Sweet Jesus comes back, send him over to to Momma’s party.  He’d feel right at home with Momma.  But if that mean hateful vindictive Jesus comes back, send him on over, too, so I can read the new testament to him.

Momma with my niece opening birthday presents.

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0 Comments to “Happy Birthday, Momma”

  1. Happy Birthday, Momma!

  2. The hateful Jesus seems mostly to be an acquaintance of mean spirited folks and not likely to put in an appearance at Momma’s party. And as it is the season, the One who would come may be best described in the carol, O Come, O Come Emmanuel:

    O come Desire of Nations, bind
    All peoples in one heart and mind
    Bid envy, strife, and quarrels cease
    Fill the whole world with heaven’s peace.

    Happy birthday Momma! And Merry Christmas Momma, JJ. Bubba, all the folks who post so much good stuff here, President Obama, and the whole world including Rick Perry, John Boehner and Grover Norquist, bless their frustrated little hearts!

  3. Good food, good wine, good friends, great party. Happy Birthday, Momma!

  4. If Sweet Jesus comes back, listen for the trumpets heralding his return!! I don’t know if it will sound like a mariachi band or not … no mention of that in the Bible describing His return!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Momma, from Colorado! Enjoy the festivities!!

  5. From deep in chilly Mississippi…Happy birthday, Momma! (And you too, JJ & Bubba.)

    And remember, y’all – be kind. It works wonders.

  6. God bless Momma, and God bless us, every one.

  7. Happy Birthday to Momma!!!!
    Also a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

    My son is coming home for Christmas.
    We thought we would be by ourselves.

    We just came home from food shopping so the world better not end!!!

  8. Here’s one more big ol’ “Happy Birthday, Momma!”

    And, Mz. JJ, I hope that you and your family all have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year.

    (I know that I feel blessed every time I tune into this great lil’ ol’ beauty salon here.)

  9. Happy Birthday, Momma! Christmas blessings on all the beauty in the Beauty Shop! And eat the ice cream first, just in case.

  10. austinhatlady says:

    A very happy Birthday to your Momma.
    My own mother turned 87 in August and I’m going to call her right now. She still worries about me; asked if I was going to be OK money-wise when I talked to her December 1, the first day of my retirement. That’s my mother!

  11. Happy Birthday, Momma! You’re still a pup, compared to my Godmother who turns 97 today!

  12. Oh, and if Wayne La Pierre shows up at the party, escort him out at gunpoint!

  13. Happy Birthday, Momma! We are all so grateful for the watchful eye you keep on all of us!

    Merry Christmas!

  14. Happy Birthday, Momma, from cold rainy Boston.

  15. Happy Birthday and Happy Holidays to all y’all from Spring!

  16. fenway fran says:

    Happy Birthday to Momma from WA! Have a shiny sparkly day!

  17. publius bolonius says:

    Happy Birthday, Momma, from right nippy N Florida. 29 tonite! Yikes!

  18. Happy Birthday, and thanks for making us watch our discourse here, Momma and JJ! We do keep it clean!

  19. Aggieland liz says:

    Happy Birthday Momma! Thanks for sharing your lovely witty fun daughter with us – someone upthread wisely reminded us that kindness works wonders, and so does humor! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to each and every one who posts here and helps me keep my sanity, educates me some, and helps me gain a little perspective as well! Love and hugs to all of you!

  20. Happy Birthday Momma!!! I hope y’all are having just the bestest day.

  21. Happy, Happy Birthday, Momma! We try to stay nice to keep in your good graces. You’re like a Good Angel, watching over a group of unruly children, and it seems to work on us. Merry Christmas and I hope you have a healthy and wonderful 2013.

  22. Happy birthday, Momma and thank you for sharing your daughter with us. She’s the bubbles in our champagne.

  23. Big HUGS & happy birthday to Mama from Georgia!

    JJ: Can your Mama become our Godmother, too?

    Hugs ~ Moms

  24. Many happy returns, Momma. Peace, love and maple syrup from us here in Vermont.

  25. Happy Birthday, Momma from PA!

  26. Happy, Happy Birthday Momma! It’s Juanita Jean’s fault that you have so many kids now!!!
    Hugs and Kisses from us all!!!

  27. Give Mama a big ol hug from us in Kentucky.

  28. Either the world didn’t end or I’ve been gone and living in heaven for a long time now.

    Happy Birthday, Momma.

  29. Happy Birthday, Momma! Thanks so much for Juanita Jean!!

  30. Marge Wood says:

    Happy Birthday, Momma! Hope y’all are sitting around painting your toenails.
    Love and hugs, Marge

  31. Happy Birthday Momma! Have a pedi for me.

  32. Sam in Kyle says:

    Happy birthday and don’t worry about that “mean hateful Jesus” coming back. I don’t think the “mean hateful Jesus” was ever here to begin with; he only lives in TEA Partier’s hearts.

  33. Happy Birthday, Mama! And may there be many more, all in good health.

    Big hug to you and the folks at the WMD(BS).

  34. MMM- Many More Momma

  35. Hey Momma! I hope you have a whole weekend full of birthday fun! (And Merry Christmas, too, to you and all your fambly.)

  36. Ellen Childress says:

    Happy birthday a wee bit late but heartfelt
    anyhow !

  37. Happy Birthday to a woman who has given us and me someone that I feel so privileged to have in my life–being an expensive dyed blonde is the best thing that ever happened to me, thank goodness for the beauty salon!

  38. Beautiful ladies and I must say, I think your Mama raised you right.

  39. Happy birthday, momma! (don’t reckon you have a Facebook page to deface with the gratuitous well-wishes, so this’ll do)

  40. shortpeople says:

    Happy belated Birthday, Momma. We celebrated yesterday in your honor without even knowing it. Hope it went well and everyone minded their Ps and Qs (and Fs, Ss, and Us.) I think you should be going for at least 174.

  41. Thanks Momma, Now I can see where she gets her looks and brains from LOL.
