Happy Birthday, Miss Priss

February 09, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Tomorrow is Sarah Palin’s birthday.  Juanita knows that because she got an official notification by email.

Just for fun, and, of course, Pin The Tail On The Bimbo practice, Juanita subscribes to the SarahPac email.  And, this one is a doozy!  They want you to send money to Sarah for her birthday, mainly because Oprah Winfrey and Aaron Sorkin have been trash-mouthing her.  And, to make matters more dire, Sarah is just like ….. yeah, you could have seen this coming a mile off …

Just like Ronald Reagan before her, Governor Palin is despised by the Left because she freely admits her faith in God, is unabashedly proud of America, and fights to limit the long arm of the federal government when it comes to our freedoms and our families.

“I don’t mean to be course about his, but doesn’t this qualify as mutilation of a corpse under Texas law?” Juanita wonders aloud.  “I mean, let the poor man rest in peace.”

Have a look-see for yourself.  Click the little one to get the big one.

If you are inclined to send Sarah a birthday present, might I suggest a book?

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