Hand In Those Ta-Tas, Carly

June 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Fiorina

Carly Fiorina a puppet of the fellas running for President.  They can’t attack Hillary Clinton so they use Carly to do it.

Carly follows Hillary Clinton around and then holds press conferences in front of the hotels where Hillary is speaking.  She was trying to ambush Hillary but got headed off at the pass by logic and questions.  Her Clinton-bashing press conference lasted 11 minutes.

Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 6.13.41 PMBut Ms. Fiorina quickly grew discomfited when the questions seemed to treat her more as a heckler pulling a stunt than as a formidable candidate making an otherwise significant campaign stop.

One reporter asked if Ms. Fiorina was being used by the men in the Republican field to harass Mrs. Clinton.

Noooooooooo, not me, said Fioina.  Nooooooooooo, I wouldn’t do that.  I have been scheduled to do this for months.

After a few more questions, she couldn’t take the heat so she left the kitchen.

“All right, thank you, everyone,” an aide interjected after about 11 minutes.

A reporter tried to pose another question. But Ms. Fiorina demurred.

“Thanks, you guys — I have a lunch to go to,” she said, carefully stepping across the cables stretching to the satellite trucks that had arrived to record Mrs. Clinton’s appearance inside the hotel.

Okay, I will admit that the used of the word “demurred” is kinda sexist, but the reporter is woman and I think she was having some fun with a poopie del pollo candidate.  I’d do the same thing myself.

It’s gonna get fun!

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