Half Time Restrictions

February 15, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s the deal – I am not a big football fan just like I am not a big wrestling fan.  We are asking young men to sacrifice their brains for our entertainment. (Booing is allowed, just not in my presence.)

However, I like half time.  Mainly because it pisses off the rightwing.

And Boy Howdy – this year’s halftime did not disappoint.

First, Lauren Boebert just had herself a hissy fit over a song written in honor of President Abraham Lincoln’s birthday 123 years ago.  I guess Boebert is still peeved over the whole Dixieland thing.

Well, I don’t hear her complaining about America the Beautiful being sung so I guess that’s okay.

And then there’s this guy on Fox News giving the secret meaning of Rihanna’s dance.


I just love how self righteous this dude is.

My friend Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen sent another You Tube he thought about.  It’s 70 years old and still relevant today.


Okay, no more Super Bowl for dumb people.


0 Comments to “Half Time Restrictions”

  1. AlanInAustin ... says:

    “dressed in red, and she falls from the sky”

    Sounds more like Santa than Satan

  2. Liberty Belle says:

    I have always considered “America the Beautiful” the national anthem that everyone can actually sing.

  3. I’ve never been fond of glorifying war myself. I agree with Liberty Belle.

  4. Bob Ralston says:

    He sure knows a lot about Satan Don’t he.
    Its a damn BALL GAME not a form for White trash.
    And their projections.

  5. Nick Carraway says:

    We saw TFG trash Rihanna’s performance and two thoughts immediately occurred to me. First, of course he did. I mean isn’t it the job of presidents and ex-presidents to comment on Super Bowl halftime performances? I mean that’s why no other president or ex-president did so. The other thing that occurred to me is how this represents the seeded underbelly of social media. Do I care what anyone thought of the performance? I suppose maybe a few close friends and family. Maybe. Otherwise, it is just another example of someone sharing something I could give two craps about.

  6. Thanks JJ! Was that old film clip of Randy Rainbows great grandpa?
    And another half time ‘opinion’…

    ‘Sarah Silverman Kicks Off Her Daily Show Stint With Fox Montage’

  7. DonA In Pennsyltucky says:

    I have always enjoyed “You’ve Got to be Taught”. I have a CD with Mandy Patinkin performing that role. Especially the line about “…be afraid of people whose eyes are differently made and people whose skin is a different shade…”. It should be required at the GOP Convention every year.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    I have to admit I watched the Puppy Bowl – I’m with you Miss JJ about watching men hit each other. I’ve only seen/heard people talk about her performance; I think the complainers were hoping for a “wardrobe malfunction” like happened a few years ago!

  9. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Like I said on Facebook, it seems to me that the folks who are waving the flag of a U.S. enemy while attacking are Capitol and killing/maiming law enforcement should be among the VERY LAST to talk about “divisiveness”.

  10. What? Was there a football game this weekend? Was that why my email was full of ads for monster TVs and going on about the big game? I must have missed it.

    Once upon a time I was a big f’ball fan, especially of a team that referred to itself as America’s Team. Maybe because I got old or maybe because I learned about how over 90% of autopsied NFL players showed signs of CTE, I have concluded that football is not a game for a civilized people. Then I look around for signs of civilization in this benighted republic, and they are passing scarce.

  11. People who have a problem with “Lift Every Voice” need to get over themselves. My only issue is that the middle verse is too hard to sing.

  12. Lift Every Voice and Sing is in the Lutheran Hymnbook, and maybe some others. Last Juneteenth I requested that we sing it and our new minister (former law enforcement) had never heard of it. We sang it.

  13. Maybe Bimboebert will be happier singing the ORIGINAL lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner.
    To Anacreon in Heav’n, where he sat in full Glee,
    A few Sons of Harmony sent a Petition,
    That he their Inspirer and Patron would be;
    When this answer arriv’d from the Jolly Old Grecian
    “Voice, Fiddle, and Flute,
    “no longer be mute,
    “I’ll lend you my Name and inspire you to boot,
    “And, besides I’ll instruct you, like me, to intwine
    “The Myrtle of Venus with Bacchus’s Vine.”
    The news through Olympus immediately flew;
    When Old Thunder pretended to give himself Airs.
    “If these Mortals are suffer’d their Scheme to persue,
    “The Devil a Goddess will stay above Stairs.
    “Hark! already they cry,
    “In transports of Joy,
    “Away to the Sons of Anacreon we’ll fly,[28]
    “And there, with good Fellows, we’ll learn to intwine
    “The Myrtle of Venus with Bacchus’s Vine.
    “The Yellow-Hair’d God and his nine fusty Maids,
    “From Helicon’s banks will incontinent flee,[29]
    “Idalia will boast but of tenantless Shades,
    “And the bi-forked Hill a mere Desart will be
    “My Thunder no fear on’t,
    “Shall soon do it’s Errand,
    “And dam’me! I’ll swinge the Ringleaders, I warrant.
    “I’ll trim the young Dogs, for thus daring to twine
    “The Myrtle of Venus with Bacchus’s Vine.”
    Apollo rose up, and said, “Pry’thee ne’er quarrel,
    “Good King of the Gods, with my Vot’ries below:
    “Your Thunder is useless”—then shewing his Laurel,
    Cry’d “Sic evitabile fulmen,[30] you know!
    “Then over each head
    “My Laurels I’ll spread;
    “So my Sons from your Crackers no Mischief shall dread,
    “Whilst snug in their Club-Room, they jovially twine
    “The Myrtle of Venus with Bacchus’s Vine.”
    Next Momus got up with his risible Phiz,
    And swore with Apollo he’d chearfully join—
    “The full Tide of Harmony still shall be his,
    “But the Song, and the Catch, and the Laugh shall be mine.
    “Then, Jove, be not jealous
    “Of these honest fellows.”
    Cry’d Jove, “We relent, since the Truth you now tell us;
    “And swear by Old Styx, that they long shall intwine
    “The Myrtle of Venus with Bacchus’s Vine.”
    Ye Sons of Anacreon, then join Hand in Hand;
    Preserve Unanimity, Friendship, and Love!
    ‘Tis your’s to support what’s so happily plann’d;
    You’ve the sanction of Gods, and the Fiat of Jove.
    While thus we agree,
    Our Toast let it be.
    May our Club flourish happy, united, and free!
    And long may the Sons of Anacreon intwine
    The Myrtle of Venus with Bacchus’s Vine.

  14. thatotherjean says:

    Re: Mike @ #13

    How many other countries can boast that their national anthem is set to the music of a British drinking song?

    Also: Lauren Boebert is not the brightest bulb on the string, is she? Neither is Ron Filipowski.

  15. Linda, Lift Every Voice And Sing is in the Episcopal hymnal too and we sing it at least once a year.

  16. They wouldn’t have an issue if Taylor Swift did the exact same thing. It’s all about race.

  17. GOPerverts, like blobby, HAVE to be in the spotlight .

  18. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I just wonder what they think of all those red stripes falling down through the white stripes in the American flag?

  19. Grandma Ada @8 Puppy Bowl is magnificent. If you have access to Netflix, the current best show available is “Pup Academy.” Creative and just pure fun.

    All I can say about Rihanna is: You worked it girl! rofl Not since Janet and Justin had that wardrobe mishap have the tighty whities have had their tighty whities in such knotted wads. Lordy. They actually ‘think’ they can “own the libs” when their hurt fee fees are so easily melted like the snowflakes they are.

  20. Good grief; don’t those MAGAts have anything constructive to do? Are we going to spend the next two years hearing about a laptop for some private citizen who has nothing to do with our country’s business?
    Go to work, R’s, there are worse things to worry about besides Hillary’s emails or Hunter’s laptop. If you don’t want to do the nation’s work, quit and let someone serious do the job.
