Haley Barbour: Certainly Not Because He’s Good

March 22, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Haley Barbour is pondering on running for President.

Juanita is very pleased to hear that.  “What you really want in the White House is the Governor of a state that is last in everything” she says with a grin.  “Maybe he could put Rick Perry on the ticket and right there you’ve got last in everydamnthing pretty well covered.”

So why are Republican political consultants so excited about Haley running?  Juanita knows why:  “After a lifetime of selling your soul to big oil and tobacco, the one thing that Haley brings to the Presidential table is that he’s for sell.  And, Honey there is money in being for sale.”

“I knew the Republicans were running pond scum for office with Sarah Palin, but now their dredging for the bottom feeders.”

Juanita said that.  Yes, she did.

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