Habla La Hispanic Vote?

June 24, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Let me tell you how dumb Rick Perry is.  He moved from bean dip dumb to dog dump dumb this week when he went to speak to National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials annual conference in San Antonio.  You know, right after he pushed for voter ID and sanctuary city destruction.

News outlets statewide (and around the country) are weighing in on the response from the audience, using words like “subdued” and “tepid.”

The El Paso Times declared Perry “failed to woo” Latino leaders while “(t)he applause lines often fell flat and the clamoring of silverware hardly yielded.”

Politico picked up on the story Thursday evening, pointing out that while President Barack Obama got criticized for skipping the event, Perry got criticized for showing up.

And Perry did not mention his clearly anti-Hispanic legislation push.  He thought they’d forget it because he’s so distractingly good looking.

“Rick Perry walking into a room is the same as eight good men leaving,” Juanita says.

She’s right, you know.

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