Gut Measuring Time

August 05, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so at Trump’s hearing the judge warned him strongly against witness tampering.

The magistrate judge handling former President Trump’s arraignment on charges related to trying to overturn the 2020 election warned him Thursday against bribing or influencing witnesses.

That was unusual because it doesn’t take a damn genius to have watched Law and Order a time or three and know you can’t go around threatening witnesses against you.

So what did Trump do? Do I even have to tell you?


I dunno, y’all, that just rubbed me all over the wrong way. Whoop-de-damn-do, Trump. Everybody knows you were talking to Mark Meadows or one of the six unnamed people in your indictment who might flip to save their own butts, but I really really triple really hope that Jack Smith thinks you’re talking to him. If so, this is gonna last about as long as a knife fight in a phone booth, and we’ll be able to bury you on all your golf courses.



0 Comments to “Gut Measuring Time”

  1. Charlene Wellman says:

    That was fairly bloodthirsty. Good one, though.

  2. But Mr. Trump is above the law. The law dose not apply to him.
    The law is only for people not named Mr.Trump.

  3. RepubAnon says:

    It’s OK If you’re in the Trump tier of the legal system.

    If you’re not Trump, well:

    Oklahoma Man Pleads Guilty to Threatening DeSantis, Cruz and Other Republicans
    NY Time gift link

    Tyler Jay Marshall, 37, threatened on social media to shoot a number of Republican politicians. He faces up to five years in prison.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    I don’t really care who feels threatened by Trump. The fact that someone does, as Trump intended, should be enough to jail him until his trial date. Being an ex-President isn’t a license to try to intimidate people into backing away from testifying against you.

  5. My fear is this is what Trump wants: to be threatened with jail so he can continue to be the martyr and say “See? I’m being persecuted for you!” Also, he will try to delay things by appealing the proposed jailing.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    RepubAnon: but that Okie case was vastly different. He was threatening Republican politicians, which is an outrage against the law and all decency. Threatening progressives or Trump opponents is good and decent behaviour that should get all the medals.

    More seriously, the Okie did not have hordes of heavily armed mentally defectives backing him.

  7. Jail him. Not in his cushy mansion, but in a real jail cell until his trial, with no cell phone, no internet, very limited visitors and he must obey the warden. I’ve read comments that his SS detail would have to do security detail 24/7 at a corrections facility. So, jailed him on a military base with a brig, no SS will be needed. He is a just another private citizen (wealth and former status should not enter into this) that should be treated no different than Tyler Jay Marshall.

  8. Mark Meadows in not believed to be one of the unnamed, unindicted co-conspirators. He wasn’t mentioned at all in the indictment–for which I thank you very much for downloading and posting–which probably means that he has already spilled his guts and received immunity from Jack Smith.

  9. The Defendant is going to try to see just how far he can go before the judge locks him up and takes away his phone. He still thinks he’s untouchable and I’ll bet that he winds up in the sneezer.

  10. Just when you think he can’t get any more disgusting…!

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Ya, he loves the martyr role so he can raise cash, but I think he’s steadily becoming scared shitless. He’s like a cornered rat. He’ll claim it’s free speech again, but in making threats to witnesses, the proof is in the mind of the person threatened. He’s close to being remanded, somewhere dark, dank and dingy I hope, and where his toilet is cold and he has to do his business in front of the guards and camera.

  12. Beststash says:

    Personally, I feel like this Trump nightmare will never end. It is like being forced to watch a soap opera for years on end with a villain that is just disgusting to see, to hear, and it permeates everything in America.

    Easy to say just don’t watch it but you cannot avoid it. Living in rural Texas we still have “Trump Won” and “Trump 2024” flags flying around here. Not only that but I can now pretty much tell who are Trump supporters just by looking at them….because it is every damn body I see.

    Thank God I drink!!

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And then there’s this- threatening the special prosecutor-

  14. BarbinDC @ 8,

    Perhaps the others named but unindicted, have already spilled their guts to Jack Smith, too. Meadows appears to be keeping a very low public profile lately.

  15. The Blivet is too stupid to know when to shut up and too arrogant to listen to his lawyer.

  16. rastybob says:

    You can get a bigger turn out For a give away than from a Trump call out. His boot lickers will not turn out.

  17. weakgrip says:

    do they construct oval shaped jail cells?

  18. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Good news for us, bad news the orange buffoon. The judge is not buying trumpf’s delay tactics and quickly calls bullshit. Will be interesting to see his attorneys try to tap dance around the court Monday. Man, it must really suck to be his attorneys. Better get paid in advance.

  19. What his most adoring cultists don’t know – but should – is that an innocent man pushes to go to trial and prove his innocence. A guilty man delays, delays, delays . . .

  20. Lock. Him. Up.

  21. Tramps – “If you com after me, I will send the MAGAts after you . I am a coward “ .

  22. Robert F McClellan says:

    “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.” — Dante Alighieri.

    “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.” — William Shakespeare.

  23. Grandma Ada says:

    That could be directed at Smith, the Judge or Magistrate, the jury and any witnesses. This trial needs to be soon and televised. He couldn’t let a chance to talk on TV go by and he’ll probably condemn himself on the stand!

  24. Harry Eagar says:

    Paa @ 7 He’d be safe enough in a Supermax,

    However, the lawyers at Opening Arguments are convinced that trump will not face any physical restrictions pretrial, and they think that even after conviction the hardest time he would get would be house arrest.

    I have no difficulty putting him in GP or (if he is convicted in Georgia) on the chain gang, but I suspect Opening Arguments is correct.

  25. @Beststash #12 – are you in a wet county or a dry county?

  26. Buttermilk Sky says:

    He also found time to attack Nancy Pelosi and the US Women’s Soccer Team, who apparently lost because they failed to sing the National Anthem. And “Liddle” Mike Pence, whatever that means. I understand a pallet of ketchup was just delivered to Bedminster.

  27. weakgrip says:

    today he says he won’t follow the judge’s order.
    sometime in the future – The Biden administration will announce a new infrastructure project under the build back better program. It will be a two-story tower addition in a public facility with a Trump sign prominent on the second floor. There will be glitch in the specs which lowers water pressure in the plumbing requiring frequent flushing and mediocre pressure for the small showerhead. The occupant will be protected by the local white-supremacist gang
