Gut Check Time

May 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, the GOP doctored the Benghazi emails before they were leaked from the House Intelligence Committee.

Are Democrats outraged?


Except for California Congressman Adam Schiff, me, and four bloggers in Amarillo.

Schiff, a Congressman from California who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement on Saturday that the House Oversight Committee, and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who chairs the committee, should provide answers for how the emails leaked in the first place, saying that Congress’s oversight authority “certainly does not justify the leak of falsified information intended to further a politically-driven narrative.”

“A GOP leak of doctored e-mails [became] the basis of GOP talking points,” Schiff told the Washington Post. “That’s a pretty disturbing irony considering the investigation was supposed to be about spin on talking points.”

Somebody does, indeed, need to go to jail and it’s looking more and more to me that it needs to be Darryl Issa.

Issa’s spokesman had an answer for Schiff —

Schiff should check his facts and stop playing politics to the detriment of Benghazi victims’ families who are still seeking answers.”

Dude, I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and poop a better answer than that.

Since when did Republicans start caring about victim’s families?  I will tell you exactly when –  Since Hillary Clinton did this:

I know that President Obama does not want to appear to be the angry black man, but Honey, I am perfectly willing to be the pissed off old woman from Texas who will chase you down, get you, stuff you, mount you, put you over my fireplace and open my house for the hour tour.

I’ve had just about enough.  I feel a fit coming on but I’d have to calm down first.

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0 Comments to “Gut Check Time”

  1. maryelle says:

    Oh yes I would love to see a mountain made of this mole hill, JJ’s excretory prowess notwithstanding. All the Repug grandstanding and over doing their predatory glee should be subject to this charge: FRAUD.
    If we’re talking jail time, that’s the charge that will do it. And it won’t be the Dems in handcuffs.

  2. Juanita…Boehner will get right on that “going to jail thing”………

  3. The GOP has been forcing and shoving scandals in our faces for so long that it is about time the scandals start to boomerang right back where they started from. Nothing like making stuff up and thinking no one would figure it out. Schiff is right to bring this up – I’d love to see Issa in handcuffs.

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    Why are illegal activities OK for GOPers?

  5. GeeJay,honey, check Issa’s background before he got elected. Its a real interesting read! He swears his brother did it and he knew nothing about it. Well,damn!

  6. Aggieland liz says:

    Because their motto is IOKIYAR – applies to everything, apparently!!

  7. Mary Lynne says:

    Am I the only one who keeps thinking Adam Schiff is the old District Attorney on the original Law and Order?

  8. While I agree with the sentiment completely, JJ, please don’t talk about killing and mounting someone. I want to make a big deal out of those talking of wanting to kill Obama or Clinton and it is harder to do when we stoop to their level. Thanks.

  9. Juanita Jean says:

    Okay, Nancy, I won’t. Isn’t it sad we’ e come to this because I’ve used that saying since my kids were little and even written it in the newspaper column as a funny threat. That makes me sad but I do see your point.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Yeah, Nancy and JJ, we gotta be keerful what we says.

  11. I know. I don’t like it either but the reality is words matter. Like Bubba, I am a lawyer. I used to laugh at lawyer jokes. Remember the ones about the dead lawyers? Now that shooting lawyers is such a popular sport, those jokes aren’t funny. The idiot talking on his own radioshow – whatever that is – about wanting to shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina needs to be called out on that. We have to claim the high road. Even if it is lonely up there.

  12. I’m about ready to go postal on the Democratic party. I am Sick of them sitting on their assets- mouths and eyes closed.
    ” I feel a fit coming on but I’d have to calm down first.”
    The ‘Hell Hath No Fury Club” needs to convene Pronto!

  13. Ellen Childress says:

    I keep wondering just how much democrats and so-called independents are going to take before they finally get a bellyful and erupt like Mt. St. Helens. Mama used to say that if you rubbed a little “manure” inside a man’s hatband every day, he would get used to the smell and finally reach a point where he never noticed it at all. What have we got here, a bunch of wimpy, lazy, apathetic, frightened democrats who are scared to stand up to these republican bullies, thugs, fools, and would-be dictators? Even Obama appears to be afraid of them. Everybody just laughs at them, calls them silly or crazy, and lets them go right on being elected .
    I am unabashedly a Democrat. A Yellowdog Democrat. An Ann Richards, Bill Clilnton, Lyndon Johnson,Molly Ivins kind of a person who proudly voted for Obama and who is annoyed with him right now because he apparently doesn’t have the ability to round on the idiots in Congress and say “no!” and mean it. We could use more of Harry Truman and Roosevelt and less of Wilson and Carter. We don’t need a gentleman and a scholar to wipe up the ground with the snots in Congress and send them packing. We need a bunch of thoroughly angry, determined Democrats who are going to go to the polls and VOTE every chance they get. If we let these people win in 2014 and 2016, our country will not be fit to live in, especially Texas.
    Personally, I am fed u p . . . . not so much with the tea party nuts as with the Democrats who sat at home and let them get elected in the first place. These are the same Texans who are ignoring their neighborhood schools, letting their cities be sold to the highest corporate bidders, watching their tax money being spent on frills and furbelows instead of streets, water, sidewalks, parks, and good transportation. If pressed about their apathy or ignorance, their whine is, “I just don’t have time “! Bull ! Every one of us has time to sit here and write our thoughts about these articles. These thoughts need to be turned into action. At the polls. The Democrats in Texas are so far gone, they can’t even come up with a viable candidate for Governor ! These rightwingers are not crazy and not funny. They are cunning, cruel, well-heeled, determined, and they are succeeding because the rest of us are letting them do it.

  14. Why won’t ABC name source? Rachel Maddow said a mouthful…
