Gut Check Time

May 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, the GOP doctored the Benghazi emails before they were leaked from the House Intelligence Committee.

Are Democrats outraged?


Except for California Congressman Adam Schiff, me, and four bloggers in Amarillo.

Schiff, a Congressman from California who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement on Saturday that the House Oversight Committee, and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who chairs the committee, should provide answers for how the emails leaked in the first place, saying that Congress’s oversight authority “certainly does not justify the leak of falsified information intended to further a politically-driven narrative.”

“A GOP leak of doctored e-mails [became] the basis of GOP talking points,” Schiff told the Washington Post. “That’s a pretty disturbing irony considering the investigation was supposed to be about spin on talking points.”

Somebody does, indeed, need to go to jail and it’s looking more and more to me that it needs to be Darryl Issa.

Issa’s spokesman had an answer for Schiff —

Schiff should check his facts and stop playing politics to the detriment of Benghazi victims’ families who are still seeking answers.”

Dude, I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and poop a better answer than that.

Since when did Republicans start caring about victim’s families?  I will tell you exactly when –  Since Hillary Clinton did this:

I know that President Obama does not want to appear to be the angry black man, but Honey, I am perfectly willing to be the pissed off old woman from Texas who will chase you down, get you, stuff you, mount you, put you over my fireplace and open my house for the hour tour.

I’ve had just about enough.  I feel a fit coming on but I’d have to calm down first.

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