Gun Nuts Have Knife Fight

November 15, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump has asked for top security clearances for three of his adult children.  Melania doesn’t need one – she’ll just plagiarize someone else’s.

The Trump Royal Family is also finding entertainment is the usual ways — pitting people against each other to disgrace themselves and snitch on each other.

Donald Trump’s transition is being marked by sharp internal disagreements over key cabinet appointments and direction, both for internal West Wing positions and key national security posts, sources involved in the transition team tell CNN.

One source with knowledge of the transition described it as a “knife fight.”

I suspect that most of the knives are in the backs of the fighters.

And to everyone’s absolute expectations …..

Another source tied to the transition described the resulting confusion as “buffoonery.”

So if you bet on calm, cool, professional, adult leadership in these perilous times, you lose again.

In Name-That-Cabinet, today’s leading contender is Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, a man named after a Civil War general and President of the Confederacy, for Attorney General.  Alabama’s contribution to the Build A Wall movement, Sessions was also turned down for a federal judgeship during the Reagan administration for racist statements while prosecuting African Americans in Alabama.

Hey, at least they are fighting each other instead of playing the with Nuke button.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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