Guess Who Didn’t Keep His Promise?

October 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just to make Trump look like a bigger sucker, Erdogan tweeted his plans to invade the Kurds in Syria.

Our aim is to destroy the terror corridor which is trying to be established on our southern border and to bring peace and peace to the region,” Erdogan tweeted.

He tweeted it.

Son. Of. A. Bitch.


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0 Comments to “Guess Who Didn’t Keep His Promise?”

  1. charles phillips says:

    Goes to show that if you’re a schnook, even your friends don’t trust you.

  2. Fomenting genocide of US allies. The stack of humanitarian crimes is so high it is going to topple under its own weight.

    Trump’s withdrawal of US troops from Kurdish-run north-eastern Syria gives the green light to a Turkish offensive

    President Erdoğan announces start of operation, as explosions reported near border.

  3. OT Today: Well somebody’s not a wuss!

    Progressive Dem sends warning shot to Pompeo with call to suspend salaries of Trump officials holding ‘witnesses hostage’

    After the Trump administration blocked U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland from testifying before the House as part of the body’s impeachment inquiry, Rep. Mark Pocan on Tuesday sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reminding him of the federal law that prohibits paying the salary of any official who bars a government employee from communicating with Congress.

    Pocan, a Wisconsin Democrat and co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, demanded to know who ordered Sondland not to testify. As The Guardian reported, a State Department official left a voicemail with Sondland’s lawyers early Tuesday morning ordering the ambassador not to attend House hearings.

    “I ask that you direct the person who prohibited Ambassador Sondland from communicating with Congress to section 713 of Division D of Public Law 116-6 signed by President Trump earlier this year,” Pocan wrote to Pompeo. “As you are aware, this section prohibits paying the salary of any ‘officer or employee of the federal government from… communication or contact with any member, committee, or subcommittee of Congress.”

  4. There is something seriously wrong with our system of government when one person can make major decisions to international policy without the approval of Senate and the House.

    Question is: How can the Senate continue to stand by their man as he destroys our allies?

  5. megasoid @ 3,

    Withhold all those gold-plated bennies along with the salaries.

  6. Oh, I think he’s keeping his promise. This was the plan all along — and everyone knew it — a wholesale slaughter of the people who have been keeping ISIS from his doorstep because they committed the crime of wanting their own sovereign [almost certainly democratic] nation.

    This is the world we live in.

  7. megasoid @3:
    Trump signed such a thing? TRUMP???

    That tears it — we are living in a parallel universe in which no logical laws apply.

    Of course, we knew that already.

  8. Twocrows@7:
    I think he signed it because it was a potential “tool” to be used against those that didn’t agree with him. He had the Senate and, of course, until recently, the House (someone forgot to update the law prior to signing to exclude Congressperson who are Democrats…..

  9. twocrows @ 7 – Mel @ 8
    One correction: Vox should be the Guardian / World article.

    Turkey launches military operation in northern Syria

    Trump’s withdrawal of US troops from Kurdish-run north-eastern Syria gives the green light to a Turkish offensive

  10. Sandridge says:

    Comrade Donroo has facilitated the unleashing of a massive bloodbath and many future spinoff events. The Kurds are now between a Turkish onslaught [the Turks have been trying to exterminate the Kurds forever], Syrian and IS forces.
    None of the players in that part of the world [imo, the world’s snakepit] ever play softball, and they never forget or forgive.

    Look for Trump Towers Istanbul to come crashing down real soon [with luck f&f of DT inside], and then more stuff in Turkey and elsewhere. The PKK [the more radical Kurdish guerrilla freedom fighters/terrorists depending on your viewpoint] had been pretty quiet in recent times, that’s going to change.

    Vlad is overjoyed, Russian ME influence just got a boost, every other nation just ramped up their mistrust of USAUSA 100%. NATO has been further weakened, Ukraine is fucked too.

    It is maddening to see the Rethugs, talibangelicals, and MAGAots slavering over this neo-fascist sonuvabitch. They haven’t a clue what the bastard has just unleashed.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    There’s not a problem that IQ4.5 cannot make worse. This time it’s Turkey and the Kurds. Turkey has always been problematic for NATO. When stationed with NATO HQ, never could get it through my thick head that Turkey was one of the early members, not based on their behavior then and not now. But leave it to Donnie to embrace Erdogan while actively offending the cooperating members of NATO.

    Fuhgeddaboud what is and isn’t happening in the House. Until Chuck Schumer rolls up all the kompromat on Moscow Mitch and has “the talk,” Donnie will continue his totalitarian/imperial reign.

  12. Brad in Dalllas says:

    One country’s ally is another country’s terrorist group. It’s true the Kurds use bombings and terrorist tactics in Turkey to fight for Turkish Kurds’ autonomy. The skill of Obama’s policy people was in walking that fine line to keep both groups engaged with the US and moving in the same direction. Trump of course couldn’t care less because there’s no dollar signs in it for him. It’s irrational i know, but i keep hoping Trump will realize one day how bad he is at this job, and that he’s squeezed all the dirty money he can get out of it, and quit.

  13. Sandridge says:

    Brad in Dalllas @12, you wrote: “…i keep hoping Trump will realize one day how bad he is at this job, and that he’s squeezed all the dirty money he can get out of it, and quit.”.

    Sorry, the choice isn’t Comrade Donnei’s to make. Trump’s total chattel master, Vladimir Putin, isn’t about to let Donneiboy quit anytime soon [or PetrogradPence and MoscowMitch]. That talk about staying past 2024, twelve more years, whatever, isn’t in jest.
    Putin knows damned well that he’s pulled off the greatest usurpation of a foreign power in history, nearly bloodless too.
    He will not let it go, he’ll even try for a client Czarist dynasty if we let him [special emphasis on the ‘nasty’].
    There are few enough examples of peacefully [plus/minus] acquired vassal states before. But to utterly dominate the strongest nation on Earth simply by totally controlling its’ nominal figurehead ‘leader’ is unprecedented.


  14. thatotherjean says:

    Why should anybody keep their promises to Trump? He never keeps his to anybody else, should they become inconvenient. Trump has pretty much destroyed our allies’ (those we might still have) faith in our word, and we’re going to suffer for it long after he and all his works are gone.

  15. Sandridge says:

    OK, after reading this I’m going to have a liquid 70+ABV supper.
    Y’all are welcome to join in, beverage or substance of choice is yours.
    Mine will be some Dos Maderas PX 5+5 Rum, and Springbank Single Malt 10yr [omg, I use that so seldom a bunch has evaporated away :[ ohnooo ].
    As a very infrequent imbiber, usually only for a minor celebration or when the ex is wound up, it’s time, past time.
    Have been randomly checking news items for a couple of days, cannot take anymore, the overload alarm has been blinking too often.

    PNR point:
    Per Comrade DT: ‘The Kurds weren’t at Normandy, so screw ’em’.

    ” “The Kurds are fighting for their land, just so you understand, they’re fighting for their land. And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.” “

  16. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    And this of course …. And when asked by reporters whether he felt the Syria retreat and treatment of the Kurds sent a poor message to other US allies, Trump said, “Alliances are very easy.”

  17. Grandma Ada says:

    I wonder how our American soldiers stationed abroad are feeling right now? Trumps action shows them that they are valuable only as pawns to his whims. Who knows, maybe next they’ll be stationed on the border to knee cap immigrants, or turn on our own citizens per Trumps orders. This is getting world-wide scary.

  18. Donald Trump:
    “The Kurds… didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example.”

    If that’s the measure of when it’s appropriate to abandon and betray someone, I would ask, did Donald Trump help us in Vietnam?

  19. MEGASOID@3!!!
    That could be the silver bullet. The wooden stake, or whatever kills our democracy killer.
    His whole operation is run like the mafia.
    Total loyalty to him.
    Pompeo’s probably wealthy enough to not care about some lost paychecks.
    But what about the people under him who dialed the phones. Drafted emails.
    How many of them are gonna hang tough when they can’t pay their rent, daycare, and grocery bills?

  20. thatotherjean says:

    With as much disrespect as Trump shows to our military and our allies, I’m amazed that there is a Cult of Trump in the armed forces. I hope this erodes it a great deal, since it is certainly eroding any faith our allies might have been harboring in our reliability.

  21. thatotherjean @20,

    Couple that with the disrespect he has shown to the alphabet-lettered intel agencies who could f*** him six ways to Sunday.

  22. thatotherjean:
    Every time I find myself amazed at some reality I wouldn’t have thought possible just months earlier, I keep reminding myself that we now have an alternative reality, generated constantly by a well entrenched infrastucture built over decades.
    The Kochs, the Mercers. Limbaugh, Ailes.
    And it isn’t surprising to me that servicefolks would be their biggest targets.

  23. Heard that the majority of US ground force is still in place. Will they be safe? Also heard that Kurdish families were fleeing their city for the US base seeking safety. Did you hear Donnie say, basically, that he doesn’t care if 10K ISIS fighters flee, that they’ll just go to Europe. What an arrogant, stupid remark. He’s a one-man wrecking ball. He can’t go away soon enough.

  24. Sandridge says:

    Utterly damning evidence that we have a Russian puppet as President of the US. And the Republic Senators, Congresscritters, staff, officeholders everywhere, MAGAots, all of them support this traitorous son of a bitch to the max.

    Three weeks ago Putin, Erdogan, and Rouhani [Iranian leader and ISIS facilitator!] held a summit in Turkey about Syria.
    They specifically discussed the ‘Kurdish problem’ in northeastern Syria and the problem of American armed forces there [a very complex topic, y’all look it up]. Let that sink in…

    A short time later SOBOTUS Trump gets a call from Erdogan [and perhaps Putin?] and within days orders US forces withdrawn, leaving our erstwhile Kurdish allies to be slaughtered, and effectively unleashing ISIS.

    ” What was Trump doing during the Trilateral Summit? He was bellowing about the drone/missile strikes on Saudi Arabia’s oil processing facility and blaming Iran for it which is all but forgotten now.

    None of it makes much sense unless you accept the fact that Putin is calling the shots. Everywhere. “

  25. with apologizes to the nursery rhymer, Trump saw that the Kurds were in the way and they had to go away.
