Ground Rules

October 13, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, same ground rules as eight years ago in the primary.

1. You may promote your Democratic candidate here.

2. In doing so, you absolutely cannot disparage any other Democratic candidate.

You are free to comment here during or after the debate tonight.  I will check occasionally to approve comments.

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God help us all.


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0 Comments to “Ground Rules”

  1. Lunargent says:

    Aren’t you just breathless with anticipation to read Donnie’s Twits?

    Yeah, me neither.

  2. Another reason I am glad you are on Twitter and I’m not!

    Can’t wait for the highlights though.

  3. When you say we can’t disparage any candidate, does that mean we can’t point out when a candidate obfuscates, dodges, or lies?

    I don’t have a candidate yet, it is so early, but I imagine all of the candidates will be stretching the truth. Can we not comment on that, politely, of course?

  4. Donald Trump twitter drinking game:

    Every time he includes the word “loser” in a tweet…

    Better start now. It’ll be hard to keep up once the debate begins.

  5. I look forward to the appealing symmetry of comparing Trump’s tweets on Bernie in the debate to Bernie’s tweets on Trump in previous debates. I suspect the comparison will be asymmetric on substance, tone, and wit.

  6. Twitter is for Twits…

    Donald is right where he belongs…

  7. AliceBeth says:

    The absolute best reason to not be on Twitter. I am not a fan of babbling every thing you think. I do find however, that is something is worth reading, it will show up elsewhere.

  8. If someone can prove even as many as two sane, sober people, unrelated to tRump either by one of his many marriages or blood and not currently or formerly employed by tRump encouraged him to tweet his spew about the Dem candidates tonight I’ll change my view and believe this foolishness. Otherwise my position is that this is merely the latest tRump lie. Sack of &^*(*&.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Oh please let the T-Rump be in one of his ornate Vegas bordellos twittering his psychopathy. That is better than him walking the sidewalks looking to swallow a mic and suck up media attention.

    After the two previous GOPig debacles, adults discussing the issues will be a welcome change. *%&##*! on CNN and a few other choice words for CNN, if they waste one second on T-Rump tonight.

  10. Sheeeshhh! El Donaldo ha nothing else to do, like maybe declare another bankruptcy? What a loser!

  11. WA Skeptic says:

    And the Donald is worth listening to????

    He should go back to his “youge” deals and bankrupting everyone else and leave our poor country alone. Maybe someone will finally get through to him when he realizes that he’s totally irrelevant to reasoned discourse in our political system. He should be shamed of himself, and so should the uninformed fools that support him.

  12. Trump who?

  13. Rikon Snow says:

    Well, having Trump on Twitter will give the media something to cover since an actual policy debate would be way too boring.

  14. Trump covering the debate will just be Trump talking about himself. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to call it the “Trump Debate.”

  15. Marge Wood says:

    I refuse to acknowledge the presence of Trump. He’s worse than spilled sour milk.

  16. Seriously, Trump who? Give him as much attention as he deserves: zero.

    For those who want to play Dem Debate Bingo, the WashPost has a suggested card:

  17. How has this discussion of the Dem debate tonight devolved into a discussion of The Donald?

    How telling.

    How sad.

  18. Marcia in CO says:

    I’m sure glad Chris Matthews won’t be the moderator for this debate … good grief … he wouldn’t shut up long enough for anyone to answer any questions he might ask!

    I’m with Rhea … Trump who? Oh, yeah … the Stump!! LOL

    Well, have fun with this!!

  19. Some good news
    Cubs WIN
    On to the next post season series.

  20. Geez…this feels like I’m at the freaking golden gloves boxing match!

  21. e platypus onion says:

    You poor devils. I can’t hear good enough to have to watch. I’ll get the gist of it in the morning news. Go Bernie.

  22. daChipster says:

    Right in the middle of his intro Martin O’Malley had an “oh #^]*! I’m running for PRESIDENT!” moment.

  23. Juanita Jean says:

    DaChipster – I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought they saw that.

  24. JAKvirginia says:

    I’m going to be the killjoy here. Elections are a year away. There’ll be alot said between now and then. Hillary? Bernie? The Pillsbury Dough Boy? Doesn’t matter. If they are a Dem they have my vote. The R’s have shown me nothing and I don’t expect anything better from them. I think we all should care more about fixing up Congress. A Dem prez AND a Dem Congress will get it done. Time to get serious.

  25. daChipster says:

    Hillary’s Putin response was one long sentence circling back around on itself and in the end begged the question, in the original meaning of that phrase as a logical fallacy.

  26. What a concept! Issues are actually being discussed!!!

  27. daChipster says:

    Lincoln Chaffee: welcome to the party, dude, but I don’t think you’re quite ready to be the standard bearer.

  28. Anderson Cooper is doing a fantastic job. Anyone bored? I’m not. Any interesting tweets for the Carnival Act?

  29. Tuned in late, but still with it. MUCH better than I anticipated. I am impressed that these people actually seem to know what policies they support or don’t, and why or why not…and can actually VOICE them! Superior education, brains in gear– not one of them is an idiot. Some are more comfortable with the debate than others, but none of them are stupid, I really believe. Hillary is sparkling, Bernie is adorably strong, Chaffee is a nice fella with a nice record as a peacemaker, O’Malley is sincere, and tootin’ his own horn a lot, and Jim Webb is a really strange guy. Smart, but weird. And Debbie W-S is behaving like a numbskull, which is disappointing. This was actually an informing type of debate, without the nastiness of the other side. I am proud to be a Democrat.

  30. @JAKvirginia

    I’m with ya except for the killjoy part. I am voting Dem in every contested race. In general I feel sorry for conservatives, but the Teas are radicalized fundamentalists.

  31. This was so much better than I anticipated. Webb and Chaffee need to go before the next debate. Sorry…don’t know much about either and probably good men but not ready to be president. Do you think O’Malley is in it for the experience and name recognition for the future? Thought I was a Bernie voter but rethinking Hillary.

  32. Saw Chaffee on Real time with Maher and thought he was a little dumb. He just proved that first impressions are usually correct. Webb – MEMEMEME. Mallory looked pretty good – but Bernie and Hillary did great.

  33. M in El Paso says:

    Scintillating debate covering myriad issues. Proud Dem here, too, Jeanne. Bernie’s my man but Hillary has moved to the left thanks to his being in the race — & she answered at least some of the questions put to her on topic. O’Malley was/is mighty impressive. I didn’t watch Repubs debate but I doubt that they compared in the least with this evening’s debate.

  34. O’Malley is going for the VP pick. And he would be just fine in that role.

  35. Hillary and Bernie were spectacular. O’Malley is a keeper, too. He knows how to keep it civil. I hope Webb and Chaffee leave soon. Chaffee is not ready (“hey, it was my first vote”) and Webb is what a Republican was 8 or 9 years ago.

  36. Interesting how the NRA can be seen as people that can compromise.

    I’m pleased. These folks understand that the world isn’t a simple place where simple people solve things…

  37. Had a full day of travel. Fell asleep early. Saw some of the replay on TV. Hill is simply just tops! Bernie is rock ’em, sock ’em which is great in itself, but will it wear well in the White House with the rest of the world. O’Malley is a possible Cabinet member. Webb and Chafee made nice bookends but thats about all. Still tired. See y’all later.

  38. TruelyTexan says:

    It was so nice to watch people discuss the issues and, while competing with each other, still find common ground working for the country instead of themselves.
    I think Clinton and Sanders did well and was actually fairly impressed with O’Malley, although he needs to broaden his plan beyond green energy. Global warming is an important long term issue, but many people are dealing with stuff that is more personal and pressing for them i.e. not getting shot by cops or while in school, getting a job, healthcare. Webb seemed a little whiney (although they did pretty much ignore him). Admittedly the only thing I remember about Chaffee is that he seemed nice enough and looked like the love child of Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles from Whose Line is it Anyway.

  39. Deb in CA says:

    The disconnect between establishment news coverage and the people’s response is glaringly obvious — every online poll has Bernie the winner by a huge margin (about 80%) with Hillary trailing at around 15 percent… Yet the headlines on newsites are rhapsodizing about her great victory. Wall Street, the Corporate Oligarchy and the professional political class are desperate to see Hillary win, so business can proceed as usual. GO BERNIE!

  40. The Dems did us proud, but one glaring deficiency: no minority faces. It might behoove the eventual Democratic candidate to select a minority vice president.

  41. Just checked comments on a different site and the haters are spewing spittle like mad! To be expected. They especially hate Hillary. Why she is the only one they use as a stand in for their own self-hate is beyond me. Bernie doesn’t seem to get that much from them.

    Maryelle, my guess is that the VP choice will be Hispanic. Maybe one of the Castro twins.

  42. I intend to campaign like there’s no tomorrow, cause there may not be, for the eventual Dem candidate.

    Today I care less than a whit whether it is Hilary or Bernie. I report this observation: The less than 30yoa girl-children in my home thought Bernie rocked. Weird, No? The old far*s were warm to Hilary and to Bernie. The boy-children and the over 30yoa girl-children seemed to prefer Hilary but yahooed Bernie at appropriate times.

    The family Marines will stand by Webb until he departs.

    A majority thought O’Malley was running for VP, an opinion that I share. Although O’Malley at Treasury in a Dem administration would warm my heart. Webb as SECDEF would also makes some sense, although that is NOT the majority family opinion.

  43. Bob Boland says:

    Hal, in case you weren’t aware, Jim Webb was a Republican albeit a few more than 8 or 9 years ago. You may have noted his saying that he was (Assistant?) Secretary of the Navy. Well, that was when Saint Ronnie was in office.

    Webb apparently decided some time in the 90’s that the Republican Party no longer reflected his views and so he switched to the Democrats but he still retains many of his used-to-be-Republican views. I know because he was my Senator when I lived in northern Virginia.

  44. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The Democratic debate was thoroughly enjoyable! Sen/Sec Clinton did very well as did Senator Sanders. The decorum was priceless! Four adults acting as if perhaps maybe they might work well with others. I say four, not five, because candidate Chaffee acted somewhat as if he was there as a spoiler. He failed, while HRC scored, when she responded with a simple “no” as to any desire to respond to his bait. Some of the after show pundits summed up candidate Webb very nicely. Perhaps he could run as a Republicon or fill in their void as House Speaker.

    Some have mentioned a Clinton/O’Malley ticket. Senator Sanders is still my man, so make that a Sanders/Clinton ticket. But rest assured whoever prevails as the democratic nominee, I will vote for them.

    The Republicons claimed to have a ‘deep bench.’ Long maybe, but certainly not deep. Whatever. I’ll take the Democratic SMART bench any day.

  45. stevethereturned says:

    Checking on-line this morning, I didn’t come across much in the way of right-wing blowback over the Democratic debate. I think that seeing intelligent, grown-up politicians in a policy-driven debate has stopped a lot of Republicans in their tracks, giving them a reality check as to the pathetic field they have to choose from, this time around. About time.

  46. It was nice to watch a real debate on real issues. I’m still undecided; either Clinton or Sanders, and I have reservations about both. O’Malley can stick around through the first few primaries and hope for a cabinet position. But as for Webb and Chafee: It’s time to winnow the field.

    Maggie & Maryelle: VP was my first thought when Julián was tapped out for HUD Sec.

  47. Marge Wood says:

    I loved it. Facts and good manners. I hope Chaffey (sp?) had a chapstick in his pocket. I got uncomfortable watching him chew his lips. Webb, well, he looked like ‘how can I get out of here?’ I heard that Webb has gotten enough donations from the fossil fuel industries to live on forever.

  48. Marge Wood says:

    And I love Sanders. I live in Texas, though. Sigh.

  49. This election is providing a fascinating peek at what might be the most significant cultural generational change since The Pill started a revolution fifty years ago.

    Our society today is strikingly divided between MSM viewers and The Internet Generation(s). Its not all about age, although MSM viewers may skew older. I’m in my fifties but I’m in the latter group, having disconnected my teevee in 1994. For over 20 years, my life has been commercial free, and I have not been manipulated by MSM news outlets to “know” which news is important, and how to interpret it. I have that in common with mellenials, and feel more kinship to them than I do to my own generation, the baby boomers.

    All those media outlets proclaiming a HRC victory last night are catering to the MSM-viewing-and-reading folks. Whereas online polling is obviously tapping into the rich deep vein of wired-in, interactive people who are connected via the web. And, without doubt (as below article proves by the numbers), Bernie Sanders is kicking it with the internet crowd.

  50. Elizabeth Moon says:

    To get Trump’s tweets, you’d have to follow him. I don’t follow him; what he says on Twitter does no impinge on my Twitter-stream.

    I’m not a fan of political debates as they’re set up these days…so I was working on something else anyway. Deadline stuff that actually brings in money for groceries.
