
July 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Grumpy Ole Rick Perry is trying to come up with a reason why he was laughing and joking one minute and then got all grumpy when everybody else started laughing.


Even after being given several days to ponder on it, this is what his office gave as a reason.

Asked why he had that expression in the photo, Perry spokeswoman Lucy Nashed said, “The governor is deeply concerned about what is happening along the Texas-Mexico border, and his expression reflects that concern.”

That’s the best they can do, huh?  No wonder his presidential aspirations are moving slow as a short legged turtle.

Of course, it could be that somebody reminded him that the grand jury was meeting that day and nobody is willing to face a perjury charge to save Perry’s grandstanding butt.

The grand jury investigation into whether Gov. Rick Perry abused his power continues.

A special prosecutor is investigating whether Perry committed a crime when he threatened to veto $7.5 million in funding from the state’s public integrity unit.

Perry said he would cut funding unless Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg resigned following her drunken driving conviction. Lehmberg refused and Perry followed through on his threat.

Personally, I think he was just upset that they wouldn’t let him wear a bullet proof vest and a big ole giant mean looking gun to the meeting.

Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 12.19.05 PM


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0 Comments to “Grim”

  1. OldMayfly says:

    JJ, some people are photo-shopping that pic with additions that explain why poor (bless-his-heart) Rick Perry is so sad.

    The one I saw shows an ice-cream sundae in front of everybody but Perry.

  2. Why did Perry look grim? Because face to face with the President, he couldn’t convince himself he was the smart white guy…and worse, he couldn’t get anyone to laugh when he made a joke.

  3. OT and trivial….anyone else noticed pRicky wears “freedom” cuffs?

  4. Sandridge says:

    I just watched John McLaughlin (on the PBS McLaughlin Group, been watching since it first aired) have a lead discussion on this topic.
    McLaughlin stated that “A star is born” about the Perry vs. Obama dustup, while most of ‘the group’ agreed Herr Perry won the match. I didn’t say I watched because I agreed with McLaughlin, I’ve gotten disgusted with it the last 5-10 years, he’s really gone off the deep RW end (his rants on global warming/climate change bring me to almost destroy my tv).

    Those stupid ball caps tell a lot about the cretins wearing them.
    You’ll notice in the pic in your previous segment on ‘pRick and Sean cavort on the border’, the caps were rightside bill forward. Either the photog/producer instructed da boyz to turn them around to better impress…somebody…, or one of them did it and the other BSEbrain followed suit.
    It makes no sense to wear a cap like that in the Valley sun at ~latitude 26 degrees N, in the summer.
    And I say that as one of few actual sailors who have actually sailed a boat from the Gulf into that same Rio Grande/Bravo River since the 17-1800’s. On my Hobie Cat across the very rough entrance bar, and up the river a ways long ago, without flakjackets too–lifejackets. Try that today…

  5. OldMayfly says:

    Photo of Hannity & Perry shows they’re both wearing their caps backwards. That was so cool in the ’90s.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    So kewl to dress up and play army. As a kid I personally kicked the bejeebers out of the entire German army by myself.Imagine wingnuts rewriting the Alamo and claiming John Wayne would have one except Obama wouldn’t send assault weapons and Apache helicopters. I have no doubt some wingnuts would believe that.

  7. maryelle says:

    Oh, I hope there will be good news forthcoming from that investigation. If he’s indicted, “Oops” aint gonna cut it.

  8. VintageMomma says:

    Sean and Rick remind me of wanna-be-cop George Zimmerman. Big hat, no cattle. Who do they think they are, parading around like a *!@#$%^ border SWAT team? Do they think those children from Honduras arrived here with AK47s slung over their shoulders? Morons.

  9. OK I went back and looked at the picture again – I love grumpy cat!

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    President Obama to pRick: “Grumpy Cat is sitting next to you, because he & I think you’re a mouse.” (It wouldn’t be presidential to say mouse dropping)

    For sure in a game of cat & mouse, pRick would be the mouse and that probably sums up his participation at the meeting. President Obama could probably have phoned that one in and snapped the trap on pRick. Gentleman that he is, am sure President Obama actually took it easy on pRick, an unarmed man in a battle of wits. Good sport that he isn’t, pRick obviously didn’t see it that way. What a sore loser!

  11. Beth Francis says:

    My theory is that someone told a joke, and Perry wasn’t smart enough to “get it”.

  12. Fred Farklestone says:

    Why can’t Perry just declare “Martial law” on the border? Seems like to me that would be fastest way to solve the problems coming from the border.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    You know, his mouth DOES look just like that cat’s mouth. It took me awhile to “read” the cat picture. Did y’all see the pic of Perry photoshopped into that Edward Hopper painting, that one of the diner late at night?

  14. Wearing a ball cap backwards means you’re too dumb to figure out that the whole point of the thing is to keep the sun out of your eyes. Those two are dumb enough to put a hand up to shade their eyes instead of turning the cap around like someone with a brain.

  15. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Wearing a ball cap backwards could also be because you don’t want it hitting your scope. But you notice the posers don’t have a scope on that gun.

    Hippie in the Holler.

  16. Ricky is pissed because they took away his crayons…

  17. ” During an interview on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) lit into Republicans regarding their words and actions surrounding the crisis at the border involving migrant children from Central America. The Congressman tore apart Texas Governor Rick Perry’s rationale for wanting the National Guard called to the border as Gutierrez stated that the border is more secure than it has ever been. He pointed out to host Bob Schieffer that the number of deportations has increased under President Obama while the number of illegal crossings has decreased.”

  18. When I watched the whole video it showed Lil’Ricky flirting with the woman across the table! He kept rolling his chair back and forth cavortin’ with the Miss! HA! She was having the time of her life getting all that Gov gushing over her. Who is she? Not clear. But if you watch the video it seems President Obama was waiting to continue the meeting as soon as the teenage juice swapping was done at the end of the table! I am sure he couldn’t believe Lil’Ricky was actually doing his mating dance in front of a video camera. But, there ya go!

  19. Oh, I forgot – Found a wonderful little game for those of us that would like to see dubya be put thru some hoops too! It is really addicting but have fun!
