Greg Abbott’s Brand of Christianity UPDATED

November 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Governor Greg Abbott celebrates this holiday season.

Texas will not accept any Syrian refugees fleeing their civil war-torn country, Gov. Greg Abbott said Monday, specifically citing the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris last week and a separate shooting in Texas earlier this year.

The “separate shooting in Texas” he’s talking about is an event in Garland, sponsored by crazy people, to have a contest to draw a picture of the prophet Muhammed.

“Given the tragic attacks in Paris and the threats we have already seen, Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees – any one of whom could be connected to terrorism – being resettled in Texas,” Abbott said.

I checked Google but I didn’t find anywhere that he had demanded that no Christians settle in Texas after the Oklahoma City bombing.

I think it would be a nice gesture to have the Governor read his proclamation while standing behind the manger scene on the state capitol lawn.

Of course, he cannot stop the refugees from coming.  He can only deny them state funds. He wrote the letter just to be mean.  Lord knows, however, that he doesn’t need the practice.

UPDATE:  Here ya go.  Governors can’t overrule Presidents.

Just in case there is any doubt, President Obama has explicit statutory authorization to accept foreign refugees into the United States. Under the Refugee Act of 1980, the president may admit refugees who face “persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion” into the United States, and the president’s power to do so is particularly robust if they determine that an “unforeseen emergency refugee situation” such as the Syrian refugee crisis exists.

So shove it, Abbott.  And, by the way, this country doesn’t like any Republican politician from Texas or even their brothers.  (Cruz has 15% in Iowa.)

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0 Comments to “Greg Abbott’s Brand of Christianity UPDATED”

  1. With all the damn guns in Texas what are we afraid of? The NTA keeps telling us more guns equals more safety, what are my gun toting, arms and ammunition collecting neighbors afraid of? Texas now has as many cowards as guns!

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Governor Crab-Butt is another highly ill-informed recruiter for ISIL. Denying humanitarian aid is exactly what ISIL wants you to do, Greg. Now go back to your lair and read about the long arm extended by random acts of kindness.

  3. You just can’t be too safe, you know. After Twin Peaks in Waco, the governor of Oklahoma must have been asleep at the switch when he didn’t ban Harley riders from Texas.

  4. Isn’t Abbot surrendering to ISIS?

  5. Sounds like an expert at assuming big groups of people are all exactly the same. The usual word for that is “bigot.”

    Fool, the killers are the people the Syrian refugees are trying to get away from.

  6. He never got past the ninny stage, did he? Same for some other governors and other politicians. Michigan is not accepting any Syrian Refugees (translation: Moslems). That might not work. There is an enclave in the city of Detroit called Dearborn that was once reputed to be the largest Moslem community the country. Ten to one they will reach out and accept and support refugees. I know that MI has had it big time hard since 2006, but they have since managed to do other stuff that cost money. AL, MS etc. really haven’t the money. They have school districts where the parents have to raise money to pay the electric bills and buy bathroom tissue and that’s no joke.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    PKM: Please sir! You are wasting your words. And besides “Greg Abbott” and “acts of kindness” can never be convincingly used in the same sentence.

  8. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Game Over the terrorists win.
    Greg Abbott is terrified.

  9. Sam in San Antonio says:

    I’m much more worried about campus and open carry than refugees fleeing terror. Notice the profile of those in this country involved in school shootings (terrorism)? They’re white males like Abbott.

  10. That surrender monkey Abbott is so-o afraid of DAESH driving their Toyota trucks across the Gulf of Mexico to wipe out Christian Texans everywhere. Fortunately for Greg, he is not the only Republican governor to piss himself at the thought of refugees.

    FWIW The body count of Americans by Americans each week doesn’t bother him at all.

  11. Opps NRA.

  12. Let’s just remember back to the way the white KKKristians behaved when little Spanish children came across the border.
    Screaming and shouting and saying that they had Ebola.
    Many truly charitable organizations welcomed as many as possible. Do we really expect these hate-mongers to welcome strangers to our shores? Not on your life. Exclusion is their middle name.

  13. TruelyTexan says:

    I think there is a simple solution. We let all the refugees, who are looking for freedom and a chance at life, come here. We send all the rethugs, who want to take all that away from us, over to the middle east. That way those anyone who likes being free can enjoy the US as it was intended, and they can all sit around over there oppressing each other and trying to figure out how they both came up with the exact same set of beliefs and morals despite being radical Xtians/Muslims, meaning they can’t agree on one name for their same deity.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JAKvirginia, now that’s just tempting me to troll A-Butt some more. If that turn the other cheek learnin’ isn’t for him, how about some history. Something like the post-WWII Marshall Plan for the Middle East. Aid and economic development; you know things that can be considered friendly overtures.

    President Obi-Wan Kenobi will have his hands full keeping the neo-cons from starting WWIII. As frustrating as it may be to some, until an effective Gulf State coalition is ready to take on ISIL, the best we can do is ‘containment.’

    Saw what appeared to be a very young boy in an ISIL recruitment video. Young chap had more sense in his slingshot than the average snacilbupeR. ISIL is basically taunting the French and the US to bog down in a ground war.

  15. This is what ISIS wants, so they can say that it’s a war of Islam against the infidels. Keep condemning Muslims as a group and you make ISIS’ point for them.

  16. Sounds as though Texas needs to erect a Statue of No-Liberty. She could have one finger extended towards refugees.

    And the other hand holding a gun.

  17. fortunately for Gov. Abbott, few of his constituents appear to be very familiar with either the Constitution, or how our government works in general.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Goobernors have NO-Zero-Zip-Zilch-Nada control over immigrants and refugees. That is the purview of the Federal Government whose laws trump A-Butt’s.

  19. Time for Abbott to activate the Texas Guard. Not the National Guard, but the highly trained donut wolfing Texas Guard who kept the state safe from Obama’s takeover during Jade Helm.

    I’d like to be the first to ask, Governor Abbott, isn’t it time we give them ISIS fellers a Texas sized whuppin’?
    BTW, can you check if there’s a Krispy Kreme in Damascus?

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rick, it could probably be arranged to air drop a Krispy Kreme into Syria with the first installment of Y’all Qaeda brigades. Make it a yuuuuuge donut shop and appoint Gov Cartman, aka The Outlaw Jersey Whale as Ambassador to ISIL.

    Meanwhile, Senators Rambo and Rimbo (McCain & Graham) along with the rest of the Potty Chair Brigade are offering to ‘help’ President Obama. Oh yeah, bet President Obama buys that as fast as we will. As if maybe they have a stack of legislation somewhere that they’ve just been waiting for the right moment to offer….

  21. Darn it, Rick. I was doing fine until you started talking about donuts.

    Rambo and Rimbo? Oh, I just snorted with laughter. Good thing I wasn’t trying to eat a donut.

  22. From my favorite philosopher:

    One of the memes circling around the French Internet shows the mayor of the town of Roanne telling a huddled group of refugees that they cannot stay, since they are not Christian. “Neither are you,” is the reply.

  23. I think I’m going to have to read Children of Men. I’ve seen the movie, and I’m sure the book has much more on the “Fugees.”

  24. Elizabeth Moon says:

    If these bozos really wanted to protect American lives they would disarm the crazies who are just itching for someone to shoot, support clean air and water regulation so citizens didn’t die of pollution, shore up the infrastructure so bridges didn’t collapse and there was decent affordable housing for everyone, re-fund PP (or set up a one-payer system that actually provided medical care for everyone) so people didn’t die prematurely, fund education so little kids all got a good education, fund mental health care so people didn’t commit crimes out of craziness.

    They don’t really care how many citizens die every week, as long as they still get their votes and their campaign contributions.

  25. JAKvirginia says:

    Elizabeth: “If these bozos really wanted to protect American lives…” They don’t. And you’re comment eloquently explains why. Good on you.

  26. Should be interesting seeing the up-tic in State employees required at each and every road which crosses state lines to enforce Gov Abbot’s selective immigration policies. Who will pay for that? How?

    What will be the ID criteria? Immigrants with green cards are eligible for drivers licenses just like everybody else. Will Texas simply turn back brown people, those with funny names? That might cause a problem with the vast number of commercial truck drivers who are Americans of Indian origin. Probably violates the Commerce Clause in Article I of the U.S. Constitution too. Thinking Edwards v California (1941) here.

  27. I read somewhere that the police have killed 1000 here in the US this year. Where is the outrage?
    Apparently in the UK, police have killed around 150 in over 150 years or from the time records were kept.

  28. Hippie Cowboy says:

    It’s fortunate for Johnny Manziel that he’s out of Texas. A-Butt surely would send him back to his mother country.
