Greg Abbott Versus The Entire Stinking World!

October 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For you people from foreign states, Texas has itself a Tea Partier for Attorney General.

And he has declared war against the United Nations.  All of them.

Of course, I will admit that Texas has more handguns than the rest of the world combined but I think the other guys have airplanes and tanks and stuff.

Abbott has decided that UN election observers in Texas are subject to Texas law and spouted …

“They act like they may not be subject to Texas law and our goal all along is to make clear to them that when they’re in Texas, they’re subject to Texas law, and we’re not giving them an exemption.”

Abbott does not recognize federal law or the Constitution of the United Damn States of America.

We got ourselves the law of the cowboy out here.  We will send Dick Cheney to shoot you in the face, dammit.

You know they claim to love the United States of America, but that United part, ummmm … not so much.

Thanks to everybody who sent me this who seems astounded that Greg Abbott is doing something dumb.

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0 Comments to “Greg Abbott Versus The Entire Stinking World!”

  1. Greg Abbot at some point……may learn election law.

    There can be no “electioneering” within 100 ft. of a polling place. There are no such restrictions on poll watcher.

    It amazes me, when I have to read this stuff in the national media, and it is totally ignored by the local press (except for here).

    If Texas papers would inform Texas voters as to just how “mentally challenged” some of these candidates for office, and office holders are, maybe some of those people would be looking for other work.

  2. By the way, who do you reckon he’s going to call to “have these people arrested”….. which is what he said he was going to do.

    What law enforcement body in Texas you reckon wants to stand with Greg Abbot…….. take on the entire world, and have themselves a nice big “international incident”?

  3. Poll watchers are private individuals who volunteer to keep an eye on the election process. Is there a citizenship test required to do this? Could they even pass the questions on the test required for people to become citizens? Most American citizens cannot, and I’m quite certain that Abbott is one of those.

    I’m glad other people besides me sent you this story, but am not particularly astonished. I simply thought that it was another Republican thing that Juanita should hear about.

  4. Empty bluster. He’ll do nothing and everybody knows it. After all, there are 44 observers for the whole country. He probably couldn’t *find* them, let alone harass them.

    As they say in Texas, “Big hat, no cattle.”

  5. Oh the STOOPID!!! It Hurts!!!

  6. @Mary K Croft……. no “citizenship test” required. They have been doing this, in this country for years, just as we have monitored elections in other countries.

    Mr. Abbott is in a “snit” because poll watchers are going to observe, on November 6th, what happens at the polls, in Texas.

    Wonder why???

  7. Texas law, huh. Let’s hope those guys don’t steal any horses while they’re there. Abbot’ll hang ’em.

  8. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    They’ve got it wrong again,
    The U.N. will not be monitoring our elections; the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which is not the U.N., will be coming to observe our elections. All members of this organization have signed an agreement called the 1990 Copenhagen Document, and are bound as a result to accept delegations to observe their elections. If the U.S. bans the OSCE from observing our elections, other countries will have grounds to ban the U.S. and other member states from observing THEIR elections.
    It’s just that simple, not that our simple minded AG can understand that.

  9. Abbott is just another example of Evangelibagger Stupidity that is rampant in Rill Merkica these days:

    Here is a citizenship test someone sent me. I took it and missed only one. Maybe Abbot would let me vote.

    Try it, good questions, makes you think…

  10. Okey-dokie says:

    Could someone refresh my memory? What does the letter R behind a politician’s name stand for? Reelected? Rejected?

  11. West Texas Oldster says:

    This about wraps it up why AG Abbott is a complete horse’s ass…

  12. daChipster says:

    In anticiaption of the armed conflict, Abbott is stockpiling bayonets and horses.

  13. International vote monitors warn Texas: Don’t mess with us

  14. I guess this means that Abbott will have to again hire some high-priced attorneys to save hisownsorryself, at taxpapers’ expense. That’s what always happens when Abbott gets his panties twisted around his brain.

  15. Yeah, I was wondering where he got the 100 ft thing for an observer. Aren’t polling places usually public? So, unless someone is causing a disturbance, messing with someone trying to vote, or electioneering, I don’t see how you can keep a particular person out. Usually a poll watcher is supposed to identify themself to the judges, but I’ve never seen anything that suggested they would get arrested if they came in.

  16. Corinne Sabo says:

    If they are looking for WMDs, keep them away form an SREC meeting!

  17. Ellen Childress says:

    Somebody had better put a muzzle on Greg Abbott before he starts something he can’t finish !

  18. The grounds that Greg wants to use is that these observers do not meet the criterion to be poll watchers under Texas law and Greg is right as to Texas law. However, treaties and federal law preempts Texas law here. A treaty is the supreme law of the land under Article VI of the US Constitution and if an UN observer is acting pursuant to a treaty, then that treaty preempts Texas law.

    The DOJ has sent election monitors to Dallas and Harris Counties under the Voting Rights Act and other federal laws. These federal election monitors are also violating Texas law in that they do not meet the criterion to be poll watchers. However, Greg is not planning on arresting these Federal monitors because Federal law is supreme in this area.

  19. Ron Nelson says:

    Forty Seven Per Cent
    (Sung to the tune of ‘Seven and a Half Cents’ from ‘Pajama Game’, a Broadway musical/movie staring Doris Day.) by Ron Nelson

    I figured it out,, I figured it out,, with my pencil and my pad I figured it out.

    Forty seven per cent isn’t such a heck of a lot,
    Forty seven per cent doesn’t mean a thing,
    But fifty grand per dinner,, now that is really hot!!
    And that’s enough to keep me living like a king.

    Forty million poor folk, isn’t such a heck of a lot,
    They don’t even bother me, they don’t mean a thing.
    But lots and lots of millionaires, money in my campaign!!
    Well, that’s enough to keep me living like a king.

    I figured it out,, I figured it out,, with my pencil and my pad I figured it out.

    Fourteen per cent, isn’t such a heck of a tax,
    Fourteen per cent, doesn’t mean a thing,
    But twenty million every year and every year and every year,,
    That’s enough to keep me living like a king.

    Lots of secrete bank accounts doesn’t mean a heck of a lot,
    Cayman Islands, Switzerland, tax-shelters are my thing,
    Quarter billion net worth,, now, that is really hot!!,,
    And that’s enough to keep me living like a king.

    I figured it out,, I figured it out,, with my pencil and my pad I figured it out.

    Six houses that I own isn’t such a heck of a lot,
    Elevator for my cars doesn’t mean a thing.
    Servants, horses for my wife, and I will kid you not!!
    That’s enough to keep me living like a king.

    Bain Capitol was my thing,, bankrupting companies.
    Making millions every time, doesn’t mean a thing.
    Lots of people out of work, lots of jobs sent overseas
    Was enough to keep me,, living like a king.

    I figured it out,, I figured it out,, with my pencil and my pad I figured it out.

    Forty seven per cent isn’t such a heck of a lot,
    Forty seven per cent doesn’t mean a thing.
    But fifty grand per dinner,, now that is really hot!!
    And that’s enough to keep me living like a king.


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