Greg Abbott: Play Toy of the Koch Brothers

September 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I gotta talk to y’all about Greg Abbott, the Texas Attorney General who is running for Governor.  I don’t like him and always will.

You know that part of the brain that tells you “I probably shouldn’t say one thing and then do another”?  He doesn’t have that.

So, it comes as no surprise that he’s the play toy of the Koch brothers.

Greg and Friend

When Greg Abbott needed a little help flying around as his campaign for Texas governor gets underway, who did he call? The Koch brothers. Abbott’s latest campaign report shows that Koch Industries in Washington provided Abbott with the use of an airplane for $7,500 worth of travel. The report doesn’t offer details. And Abbott’s campaign did not return a call seeking clarification. But one thing’s clear: the Texas Republican attorney general is a favorite of the billionaire Koch brothers, who are big opponents of Obamacare and efforts to curb air and water pollution.

In actuality Greg Abbott isn’t against Obamacare and rampant life-threatening pollution.  He just wants a free ride on an airplane.  And to make his Overlords happy.

Don’t like him.  Always will.

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