Greg Abbott and the Perverts

August 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Greg Abbott is the Texas Attorney General who wants to be Governor.

gregabbottHe likes suing the Obama administration.  You know, for fun.  And since all the deadbeat dads have paid their child support and there’s no public corruption, mortgage fraud, human trafficking, cybercrimes or medicare fraud happening in Texas, he’s sued the federal government over two dozen times.

And he’s convinced that there is massive voter fraud going on in Texas in minority communities.  And his office stands ready and willing to invade your privacy to prove it.

In 2006, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, charged with upholding the law, deployed his office in an “investigation” to prove voter fraud that was dubbed a “wild goose chase.” It was during this “investigation” that an elderly woman said in a sworn statement that two investigators from Greg Abbott’s office were peeking in her bathroom window.

Sixty nine year old Gloria Meeks of Fort Worth was stepping out of her shower to discover two investigators from the attorney general’s office looking in her bathroom window.  She was buck nakkid and screamed her fool head off, which seems very appropriate to me.

The investigators admitted that they did look in the bathroom window but defended it by saying that they thought it was a kitchen window. Which, you know, makes it so much better.

Ms. Meeks was being investigated because she helped some elderly and disabled people vote.  All of them were eligible and everything was on the up and up.

And this is why we cannot let Greg Abbott be Governor.  I do not want his investigators peeking in my windows for any damn reason.  I think they’re a bunch f Republican perverts.

Thanks to John for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Greg Abbott and the Perverts”

  1. I think the appropriate term is really preverts.

  2. Seems like Abbott’s office could be spending their time on issues with more substance. Like chupacabra attacks or financial wrongdoing at Hogwarts…

  3. Okie Dokie says:

    Peeking in a window? Those investigators aren’t too bright. Someone will eventually get shot.

  4. Craig Waters says:

    Dear Miss Juanita,

    I’m a pervert. Please tell your friend that he is welcome to look in my window. Let him know that the dogs won’t bite.


  5. Republican pervert is a redundancy. One or t’other will do. Peeping toms (abbotts) are their way of gathering data? What a bunch of doofuses.

  6. 1smartcanerican says:

    JJ, I fail to understand how such a person was elected as AG, or was he appointed by the governor? He would be a horrible governor and good Texans do not deserve his stupidity and hate. I do hope all good Texans get out and vote in November and put a good woman at the head of the table! Abbott is such a loser in every way possible. He is costing Texans money with all his frivolous lawsuits and he definitely fits in with the other GOP governors who care nothing for their citizens. I truly hope Texas turns far bluer this year!

  7. And this is the “small government” party.

    Someone said that the Democrats will let you do pretty much whatever you want in your personal life but they want a chunk of your money. Republicans will let you keep more of your money but they want to control your personal life.

    I’d rather pay a bit more not to have perverts looking in my bathroom window, if that’s the choice. Or telling me who I can marry, and which body part can touch which other consenting adult body part behind closed doors, and what I can do with my uterus.

    Come to think of it, “vote fraud” is one of their few obsessions that isn’t below the belt.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The New World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. Dictionary: Schadenfreude

    1.n. The life preserver that keeps us from sinking into despair over the RW Nut Job insanity that surrounds us.

    2.v. Paddle fast, they’re getting closer. Don’t look now, but they’re in your window.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    I can see Stephanie Plum and her sidekick Lula tiptoeing around, trying to catch those guys, with Grandma Mazer waiting for reports from the beauty shop. No, Grandma could be the one whose bathroom window they’re looking in. Nah, she’d like it. Hmm. YOU figure out the plot. Does Grandma Mazer vote? How about Lula? Is it legal for Lula to vote? or Ranger, is he a citizen? Joe Morelli is getting a headache from all this. (Characters courtesy of Janet Evanovich.)

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Grandma Mazer, in the bathroom, but no candlestick for her. In every room and several closets she has been loading slotted whiffle ball bats with her spare change waiting for the chance to swing for the fence.

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Shouldn’t they have to register as sex offenders? Or are government agents exempt from that law?

  12. I got stuck on a 69-year old woman being called elderly. She’s in the prime of life and was helping the actual elderly vote.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Points, Esse! Age is truly relative, which is why the social security deniers have it all wrong. Depending on health, genetics, the physical labor of a life time at 2 & 3 jobs and many other factors, one truth is apparent. The Congress varmints who want to raise the social security retirement age are ignorant.

    Social Security is well funded for 20-40 years depending on the data one trusts. But for the wannabe dismantlers of a proven system, I have 3 words: raise the cap, if you think the system needs fixing.

  14. PKM nails it! 🙂

  15. Elise Von Holten says:

    Although what I picked up about Grandma Mazer was that she’d be pulling the guys (if they weren’t too ugly–but repugs–so probably they are) into the bathroom with her– their fault for peeping and she’s still a hot number in her own head! And a lot of 69 year olds are still so beautiful….my grandmother was helping the “old folks” well into her 90’s, I’m not sure age caught up with her before her death did, she certainly had her wits until the show ended, and she was a democrat! Being hateful ages you terribly, I’m planning on being as beautiful as my grandma, heart and soul all the way out, and even then as I’m planning on cremation, I’ll go as a hot body!

  16. I want to be Grandma Mazer when I grow up, though I’m afraid that wouldn’t include Ranger, because he thinks she’s scary.

    As for helping the elderly vote, a friend told me about some folks who “helped” the elderly vote at her mother’s retirement home, and it was funny how they all suddenly voted Republican. *Some* of these people need to be watched, but I don’t think the bathroom-window-peeping will help.

    PKM: I heard that H.L. Mencken once broke off a conversation to stare out the window, cried, “The SOBs are gaining on us!” and zoomed back to his typewriter….

  17. Just wanting to know what the heck they thought they could find out about voter fraud by looking in the kitchen window (if they really were mistaken, which is pretty stupid since a kitchen window usually has a kitchen door to the outside nearby and a bathroom window doesn’t.

    Also, were they carrying cameras? Photographing inside peoples’ houses without a search warrant? Toting guns and looking like home invaders? I tell you what…there’s a reason I’m a gun-owning liberal, and defending myself from people trying to climb in my windows is one of the reasons. Especially if they’re GOPtards (if they can call us libtards, I can call them GOPtards.)

  18. Marcia in CO says:

    If Grandma Mazer or is it Mazur saw a couple stooges peeking in her bathroom window, more then likely she has her purse with her and therein, she always carries her Glock … or is that Lula who carries the Glock? Regardless … Grandma always carries a BIG GUN in her purse!! She’d probably blow their heads of first and then decide to ask some questions! Oooops! Too late … oh well!!

  19. Lorraine in Spring says:

    We used to have a neighborhood Peeping Tom when I was a kid. He peeked into my friend’s bedroom window periodically.

    One night, he peeked & she screamed. Her brothers & their friends, who were hanging out upstairs, ran out & caught the guy in the yard. By the time the cops got there, there wasn’t much left for them to do but call an ambulance.

    You can probably still find a few of Peeping Tom’s teeth in the backyard.

    As far as these Peeping Republicans go, I’d press charges & make sure they found new jobs. Maybe as high rise office window washers since they like to be so nosy.

  20. Two words: Castle Doctrine.
