Grand OLD Party

May 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

By using arithmetic, it turns out that the Republican Party is dying off.  Same deal with Fox News viewership.

Since the average Republican is significantly older than the average Democrat, far more Republicans than Democrats have died since the 2012 elections.

Turns out that young people aren’t as attracted to 1950 as Republicans thought.

So the people who are actually paying off college loans, making marriage decisions, having or not having children, looking for job, and paying for grandpa’s war ain’t all that thrilled about what a bunch of old white guys have to offer.

The last GOP convention I saw looked like every person in the room owed Noah a dime.  You’d have to carbon date them to figure out how many candles to put on their birthday cake.

And for those  of you in love with numbers, there’s this.

imagesIn 2012, there were about 13 million in the 15-to-17 year-old demo who will be eligible to vote in 2016. The previous few presidential election cycles indicate that about 45 percent of these youngsters will actually vote, meaning that there will about 6 million new voters total. Exit polling indicates that age bracket has split about 65-35 in favor of the Dems in the past two elections. If that split holds true in 2016, Democrats will have picked up a two million vote advantage among first-time voters. These numbers combined with the voter death data puts Republicans at an almost 2.5 million voter disadvantage going into 2016.

Phew!  Go kids!


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0 Comments to “Grand OLD Party”

  1. Wanna bet they still vote?

  2. I have a slightly reworked slogan the GOP is welcome to use during their next convention:

    Don’t trust anyone under 30!

  3. AKLynne says:

    I still worry about those damn voting machines. Too easy to rig. Let’s hope Anonymous is on the job in 2016.

  4. maryelle says:

    I thought we already had the advantage in 2014, but look how that turned out, more hate-mongers in federal and state legislatures than ever. We’ve got to get them into the voting booth or the conservative cranks will completely destroy this country.

  5. coozledad says:

    So that’s why they’re bringing back the poll tax.

  6. I completely agree with AKLynne: there’s an army of paid hackers waiting for a paycheck from the Kochs.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    AKLynne, you are so correct. Electronic voting without a verifiable paper trail. Sure had Karl Rove in a tizzy about the count in Ohio, after he was so sure Romney would win.

    All that combined with voter suppression, gerrymandering, playing hide & seek with polling places, and whatever new tricks ripped out of Karl Rove’s posterior; they’ll make us work to pull the country back to sanity in 2016.

    Rick, you sound like my Dad. His rule is never ride with anyone under 30.

  8. linda phipps says:

    1. Finally we have a use for these kids.

    2. Don’t worry about the voting machines, these kids can fix anything.

  9. daChipster says:

    In addition to these consequences, the great die-off of the Boomer cohort is also one of the drivers of the demise of traditional Christianity in favor of other religions, non-affiliated faith, agnosticism or atheism.

    In fact, the Evangelical fervor of the last 30 years has merely been the dying throes of a sacred cow mortally wounded by the social upheaval of the 1960s.

    Full-blown racism, sexism and homophobia are also deeply entrenched in this electorate, and propped up by their disposable income and fervent exercise of their franchise. Again, the rise of the Tea-Birchers comes as no surprise, either. As the demographic skews not only younger, and less Christian, it is also skewing more tolerant, and less white.

    For the GOP to survive, therefore, they are going to have to come back to the bargaining table (eventually) leaving behind all their sociological dead weight.

    I’d almost say they need to set the old WASPs adrift on an ice floe and start anew, but all those are melting. So let’s just keep sending them to Florida, and wait for it to sink.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    daChipster, “I’d almost say they need to set the old WASPs adrift on an ice floe and start anew, but all those are melting.”

    Actually that’s their new Medicare Plan. Sorry about your luck, daChipster, but it’s not just for WASPs. Anyone not suitable to being a hamster for the company grist mill will be set adrift. Melting ice? Not a problem. You’ll just sink faster.

    (that’s the universal “you’ll” as in everyone not pleasing Massa.)

  11. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    2.5 million voters? The Republicans will have to adjust the ‘slant’ in the programming for the Diebold and NCR electronic voting machines if this trend keeps up. Otherwise, they may lose the election. Insist on a paper ballot or a paper receipt for the vote you cast in every election.

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    If only young people voted…….

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Corinne Sabo, young people do vote, or at least we want to vote. Was a time a mere five years ago, students could vote at their college precinct if in-state. While the rest of us would receive an absentee ballot merely by having our parents request one for us from the local registrar. Same with the military, my aunt was able to have a ballot sent to me with great ease.

    The good old days, when voting was encouraged. A mere five years later and simply to register in our home state, where we own property, my wife and I had to work at it. Almost to the point I was ready to explain to these fools that both my finger and foot prints are registered with the US Air Force. Out of respect to Mama, won’t explain on what I was thinking to provide them a footprint comparison. But it would have required them to have a colonoscopy to forward the print to the proper data base.

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Tragic news just announced- Bristol Grifter’s May 23 wedding is cancelled because of rumors her vict….er fiance has a secret wife.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, those two, Brisket and Duhkoduh should thin out the demands of wanting young people to vote.

    Time we turn the tables on Republicans. Registering “R” should be an immediate disqualification under the criminal codes of every state. Seriously, would it too much to ask and in no way ‘voter suppression’ to exclude those voters who arrive at the door and are seen to be unsnapped from leashes or other restraining devices?

  16. Aggieland Liz says:

    Lord, PKM, if only they all had muzzles! Or ball gags!!

  17. Zyxomma says:

    daChipster, with respect, I think you mean the pre-Boomer generation. We baby boomers were born from 1946 to 1964. We’re not dead yet. I’m still a proud hippie freak, in perfect health at 60 (61 next month). I take no meds, exercise daily, and eat organic vegan food. Many of my generation do the same. And unlike the youngsters, we VOTE, at least I do.

  18. daChipster says:

    Zyx – I too, am a Boomer. We are set this year to be surpassed by millennials, due to our dying and, to a lesser degree, an influx of millennial immigrants. Within 15 years, they will outnumber us by over 20 million.

    And, as proud a liberal as I am, all of the knuckleheads ruining the political discourse today are ALL boomers, with the exception of some really messed up Gen Xers and a few super-annuated old farts. Our generation is large and in charge, clinging to gods and guns, raised racist, sexist and homophobic.

    Even if not overtly, the milieu infused us. The “jokes” and slurs I used to hurl around thoughtlessly as a child make me cringe today, even though the concept of equality was impressed upon me by Democratic parents and informed by the progressive attitude of the 60s.

    No, I stand by my analysis. We have screwed up these politics royally, and the sooner our generation including Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Palin, Romney, Coulter, Hannity, Gohmert, Perry, Steve King, Wayne LaPierre, Tony perkins, Bryan Fischer, Nugent, Norquist etc etc etc etc etc etc

    …die off, the better we all will be. The generation before us – “born in [the last] century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace” – knew how to keep religion religious and politics political, never the twain to meet.

    In the 80s, we threw all that out the window. Our generation is reaping the whirlwind we sowed. The world is run by a generation of Alex P. Keatons.

    yay us

  19. Marge Wood says:

    Koch bros. said awhile back that if they can control state legislatures it doesn’t matter what happens in Washington.

  20. Mary Beth Hilburn says:

    daChipster, some of the superannuated old farts worked our butts off for progressive leaders all of our lives. I don’t think you want all of us dying off. We helped build this ship,and we know where the engine room is to make it go in a positive direction.
