Grab The Tape, Honey, My Tie is Acting Weird

December 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

First bobbie pins in his hair, now tape on his tie.  Donald Trump’s tie secret.

Okay, I have myownself wondered why Trump wears his ties so long.  Maybe to cover his zipper, you know, in case he forgets to zip and everybody could see his small hands. I dunno. I figure that’s as good a guess as any.



GQ is not amused.

Donald Trump, the future president of the United States, scotch tapes the back of his tie to the front.

You see, because the President-elect doesn’t leave enough slack on the thin end to reach the built-in loop, he’s left with an unmoored sliver of silk that threatens his commanding suited man presence. And again, his solution is to use scotch tape, the very adhesive that’s sitting next to you at your desks right now, to connect the two pieces. Sad!

Sad? No. Goofy as hell? There ya go.

Thanks to Epp for the heads up.

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