Grab His iPhone!

November 19, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember when Trump denied that he used his personal iPhone to tweet and sent the denial from his personal iPhone?  I loved that.

Now, I’m wondering if this misspelling of Adam Schiff is purposeful or if he’ll deny that, too.



By the way, I don’t think he knows what conflicted means.  And, he sent it from his iPhone just after midnight.

And, he doesn’t understand the different between a special prosecutor and the attorney general.

Thanks to Jan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Grab His iPhone!”

  1. “Schitt” might actually be unintentional. If he’d come up with that on purpose, he’d consider it so clever that he’d crow about it and do more to call attention to it.

  2. Rump is a jack-hole (sorry momma). He’ll only get worse come January 2019 when the Dems will start demanding his tax returns.

  3. Cheatolini displays his grandiose ignorance yet again. But he’s too arrogant to respond to “The Emperor has no clothes”…

  4. Well, hey, he had a professor at Penn/Wharton who said Trump was the dumbest student he ever had. Says it all, doesn’t it.

  5. I remember making fun of a person’s name was great fun in the fourth grade, by changing a few letters or rhyming it with another word. That pretty much tapered off in junior high school. For most of us.

  6. Reporters need to start asking Trump whether he considers insulting anyone he finds annoying as “civil behavior.”

  7. Yes, Trump is completely ignorant regarding the difference between the AG and the special prosecutor. But he doesn’t care because his base, the only people he gives a schitt about, are too.

    THEY will take his talking point [tweeting point?] and run with it — and he’ll be happy — for 10 minutes, till he thinks about Mueller and the 116th Congress.

  8. Mueller damn sure had better not pull a disappointing ‘Fitzmas’ on us.
    I’m hoping, with many millions of others, that whatever he lays down will be an inescapable all encompassing titanium trap for Comrade Donnei Dumbfock.

  9. Can we please Mueller to tweet his questions to Trump at 4 am? You KNOW he’d respond.

  10. pResident Oops just stepped on another rake and the handle caught him square between his eyes. In the land of …king Moron it’s 1,2,3 simple: Sessions gone, Mueller about to be gone, ergo No Collusion. Except….

    Remember when Boehner left singing Zip-a-dee-doo-dah? Well, there’s a new chorus in town. The Democrats hold the House. Team Mueller and a whole phalanx of peeps with zippity USB doodads loaded up with the goods on Donnie ready to be handed over to Congressman Schiff, the man Donnie just insulted (again).

    Oh Lordy, can’t wait for the metaphoric rake handles Congresswomen Maxine Waters and Fredericka Wilson and others will be applying to Donnie’s addlepated bald pate.

  11. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Cadet Bone Spurs, who couldn’t drag his fat ass to a military cemetery because it was raining, has moved on to feuding with Admiral McRaven, a Navy SEAL. This should be amusing.

  12. Texas Expat in CA says:

    This is nitpicky, but 12:01 PM is just after noon, not midnight.

  13. And Melania can’t figure out why she is being ridiculed for her anti-cyber bullying campaign. Start with your hubby, babe.

  14. Tv and media should stop showing demented donnie except when he physically falling, being clumsy and/or appearing like one of the three stooges.
    have his statements read out on the air by people with “helium” donald duck voices and/ or put alec baldwin on retainer and have him “reenact” any events that deserve coverage.
    Cutting him off from media exposure would be the equililant of straving him.
    Granted faux propaganda network will still offer fawning coverage but faux viewers are beyond hope any way.

  15. PS TV could start using muppets to reenact the idiots actions if alec Baldwin on retainer would be to expensive.

  16. Nothing says ignorant like having a President that is the laughingstock of the entire planet.
