Governor Waggy Finger Has Some Tales That Are Taller Than They Are Wide

January 30, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Governor Jan Brewer knows something about thin skin.  She also knows about fibbing over and over and over and not minding about  being caught.

Back in 2010 as she defended her state’s harsh immigration law, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) told a newspaper reporter that she was deeply hurt by the terrible names people were calling her. The worst, she said, were the comparisons to the Nazis.

“They are awful,” she said. “Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that…and then to have them call me Hitler’s daughter. It hurts. It’s ugliness beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.”

Problem is, her Dad died of lung disease ten years after WWII ended.

I think that was right after she found the decapitated head in the desert that she finally had to admit was “an error” IF she ever said it.

She lies so much that she has to get her husband to call the dogs.

The other day I was telling Thelma that we need to make some major changes in the Texas Democratic Party if we can’t even beat Rick Perry.  I think the Arizona Democratic Party needs to join in on that.  I’ll send Arizona the housecleaning broom soon as we finish with it here.

Thanks to Paul for the heads-up.

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