Governor, “Oops” is a Better Answer

August 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Governor Rick Perry is hinting that “other individuals” will soon be along the Texas border to “secure it.”  Nobody seems to know who those “other individuals” are and I pretty much think that everybody is afraid to ask.

The Texas Democratic congressfolks have asked Attorney General Greg Abbott to please, please, please not let Rick Perry send a bunch of guys with survivalist equipment that they are just hopped up ready to use, because we’re pretty sure that’s exactly what he’s pondering on doing.

Perry-Sign-2As recently as this weekend, Perry is still insisting that “over 3,000 homicides by illegal aliens over the course of the last six years” is a dead solid true statement but it’s absolutely not.

So when he was confronted to come up with facts to explain why he keeps saying something that everybody knows is 100% wrong, Perry had this answer:

“And let me go back to those numbers,” Perry told Crowley. “You know, what is the — what are the number of — I do stand by them, by the way, but what are the number of homicides that are acceptable to those individuals? How many sexual assaults do we have to have before the president of the United States and Washington, D.C., acts to keep our citizens safe?”

Duh.  Double dog duh.  How many Texans have to be killed by a gun held by a United States citizen before Rick Perry acts?  Apparently a freekin’ lot.

How many children have to die without health care before Governor Rick Perry accepts federal funds for Medicaid?  A bunch.

Rick Perry should be the last bullfrog on earth asking quantitive questions.

Just say Oops.

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