Governor Chris Christie Makes New Jersey Proud, Honey

June 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Oh, this is good.  It’s even goofy Republican good.

It seems that New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie, who is so rotund  that he should have John Deere stamped on his butt, arrived at his son’s little league baseball game in a state helicopter.

No, seriously.  They have pictures.

A state helicopter and a full squad of Lord only knows how many other people are needed to fly the Governor around on a helicopter.  Man, I hope they had some rocket fuel in that sucker because Christi once fell down and rocked himself to sleep trying to get up.

But, it gets better —

Christie arrived shortly before 4 p.m. to watch his son Andrew play baseball for Delbarton School. He was driven from the helicopter about 100 yards to the field in a black car with tinted windows.

Really?  He couldn’t walk 100 yards?

Good Lord, the man’s shadow weights 17 pounds.  He looks like he ate his brother in the limo.

So what did this display of fat-cat Republican entitlement cost the taxpayers?

Christie was ferried to the field in a brand-new AugustaWestland helicopter, purchased at a cost to taxpayers of $12.5 million.

The State Police has received two of the five helicopters purchased so far, according to testimony from Attorney General Paula Dow during a May budget hearing.

The helicopters, which can reach nearly 200 miles per hour with its twin turbo-shaft engines, are designed for homeland security duties and transporting critically injured patients.

Oddly enough, the Governor had no official duties on the day in question, so nobody knows where he was traveling from.  However, we do know one thing —

Christie had a private meeting Tuesday night at the governor’s mansion with a group of Iowa donors who are trying to pursuade him to run for president.

Well, it’s pretty damn obvious that he can’t run for President, but maybe he could helicopter for it.

Thanks to Janette for the heads-up.

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