
March 23, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how we’re always saying that whatever Republicans are accusing you of doing is exactly what they are doing.

We’ve got a good one for ya today.

Former congressfool and Trump White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, major supporter of voting “reform” to keep people from cheating while voting just … bingo! … cheated while voting.

His wife, Debra, drove the get away car. In the very least, they were partners in a voting law heist.

The New Yorker first reported that Mark and Debra Meadows submitted voter registration forms that listed as their home a mobile home with a rusted metal roof that sold for $105,000 in 2021, even though they had never lived there. North Carolina officials announced last week that Mark Meadows is under investigation for potential voter fraud.

Oh, please, they could not possibly live in a mobile home.  I mean, look at the size of her hair. It would at least have to be a doublewide.

The Washington Post article reminds its readers that another woman North Carolina was prosecuted for voting while on parole.


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