
August 01, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember me telling you about RNC head Roona Romney McDaniels spending a boatload of RNC money for “media preparation” so she could look nice during interviews?

She doesn’t count that as part of her salary.

Republicans are talking about getting themselves something like the Democratic ActBlue.  It’s called WinRed. Well, some members of the RNC suspect that Roona and her friends will personally make money off WinRed.  They think that, of course, because Republicans won’t do diddle squat unless they get a cut. So they have a meeting and Roona ends up in tears.

The party chairwoman choked up as she kicked off a closed-door panel discussion on WinRed by addressing ongoing rumors that she and other RNC officials are poised to personally benefit from the new platform. At one point, McDaniel said the only money she is making is her RNC salary.

According to Open Secrets, McDaniel made $268,638 in the 2018 election cycle.  And you can’t expect a girl to live on that alone, especially if she’s a Romney.  (By the way, she’s a hard right Trump supporter and has said some nasty things about her Uncle Mitt when he didn’t drink the kool-aid.)

Roona gets about a thousand dollars a month for her spa treatments for “media preparation.”  Plus that luxury apartment she gets at $4994.22 a month.

Roona’s got her finger in every pie on the table, so why would they suspect that she’s gonna pocket some change off this deal?

Plus, she’s a Trump supporter which tells you everything you need to know about her ethics.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Gotcha!”

  1. Lunargent says:

    Well, she’s not bad looking.
    But that just doesn’t look like up to $1,560 worth of prettifying to me. For that much money, shouldn’t she have a really spectacular blowout, and trimmed ends? And even for a lousy $300, I think I could come up with a more flattering shade of lipstick.

    If she’s as pleasant to Underlings and “service people” as I suspect, maybe the aestheticians are demanding combat pay.

  2. What’s that saying, “Like putting lipstick on a pig”. For $1,560 even a farm animal can be made to look good.

  3. joel hanes says:

    her uncle Mitch Mitt

    Yes ?

  4. Don’t know about the rest of y’all, but get my hair cut, colored, highlighted, blow out and styled, plus manicure (anyone wanna bet a pedi is in there too, even though her feet aren’t on camera?) likely with fancy (acrylic?) nails, and facials, etc, to the tune of hundreds of bucks a month sure seems like a personal benefit.

    I’d sure personally benefit from all that primping and pampering.

  5. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Thank you, Joel. Guess who I have on my mind today?

  6. joel hanes says:

    personal benefit

    Oh no. When you’re a lizard person, it’s _required_ so that you can appear in public without alarming the populace.

  7. Another snowflake from the blizzard of RNC.

  8. charles phillips says:

    Gosh, I sincerely hope she didn’t get her fee-fees hurt!

  9. elise from CA says:

    classic GOPee behavior, complete with pitching a hissy fit when her motives were questioned.

  10. “Remember me telling you about RNC head Roona Romney McDaniels spending a boatload of RNC money for “media preparation” so she could look nice during interviews. She doesn’t count that as part of her salary.”

    and she’s on pretty solid legal footing for not doing so. if your employer requires, as part of your job responsibilities, to appear a certain way in public, and provides the resources directly (hires a makeup artist, for example), or provides x amount for you to have it done, that amount is most likely not taxable income to you.

    many moons ago, I audited a meat packing plant. it was located way the hell out in the boonies, at minimum a half-hour drive from the nearest anything. to agree not wander away at lunch (and probably getting back just in time for their shift to end), the employer provided a free lunch, open to all employees, regardless of job. and let me tell you, that was the single most spectacular lunchroom I’ve ever personally borne witness to! the fair market value of that lunch, was not considered income to the employee’s, because of the requirement to stay on-site during lunch.

    so, not an issue I’d care to argue. there’s multiple case law on the issue, most of it adverse to the Gov’t.

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    Some more links about winred (vs. actblue, which JJ uses):

    My fave quote about this, from a Republican: “This is not a non-profit effort to benefit candidates. This is a for profit effort to make consultants rich at the expense of candidates and small dollar donors.”

    Essentially the Republican conmen don’t care about diddly little people donations, except to skim off. Sheldon Anderson threatened to cut off donations if they did not come up with something like ActBlue … and what they got is a Trump-recommended scam.

  12. I hate to be picky, but let’s be honest, I am: please note that her name is Ronna, not Roona. Thank you!
