GOP: Now Officially Crazy

April 05, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


You know that things have become officially crazy when Republican Congressvarmint Eric Cantor  and his amigos passed a resolution in the House that says if the Senate doesn’t pass the House spending bill by April 6, the House spending bill becomes the — here, hold my beer and watch this — the Law of the Land.

“Actually, I think they said ‘the damn law of the damn land’ but they got permission to revise and edit,” Juanita says.

“Research in the fifth grade and slack-jawed watching of Schoolhouse Rock taught me that it don’t work that way,” she recalls.  “You can’t bypass the senate simply because they are hacking you off.  This is not always a pleasant alternative, but it is a required one.”

“But, here’s the important part.  This resolution, with 221 Republican votes, was so rightwing batcrap crazy that even Louie Gohmert – yes, Louie Gohmert! – voted against it.  Honey, when your political party bypassed the crazy marker set out by Louie Gohmert, you are twenty yards down-field of Sigmund Freudville.”

But there’s more.  There always is.

Texas Republican Pajama Man Blake Farenthold voted “present but not voting.’

“Somebody forgot to wake him up,” Juanita suspects.

“Texas:  Our Republicans are totally crazy.  But, at least some of them are asleep.”

Thanks to Gramian for the heads-up.

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